Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth, Videos

Guidance Videos by Psychic Medium Healer

I am a psychic medium healer and spiritual teacher and share my gifts and experience in guidance videos and energy reports on YouTube.

I offer a mix of livestream and pre-recorded guidance videos on my YouTube channel (click here), including three series of videos (listed below), plus timely ascension energy videos that I am guided to share. Please subscribe to my channel – you will be notified of new videos and planned livestreams.

Support my YouTube Channel
It helps enormously when you subscribe and “like” and comment on my videos, as then YouTube will show it to more viewers.
You can help support the cost of making these videos at buymeacoffee/merkabamolly (or tap on the purple coffee cup, bottom left)

Wednesdays 11AM AEDT – Spiritual Chat
I answer your questions about spirituality, including awakening, ascension, healing, angels, starseeds, yoga, meditation, intuition, reincarnation, energy healing, being an empath and more. Plus, spiritual wisdom that my guides share with me. You can send me your question in advance using the contact form. 

Fridays 8PM AEDT – Angel Messages

I am an Angel Communicator & Healer and in this livestream offer a space to call in the angels for healing and guidance. We chat, talk angel therapy and I offer mini angel readings by donation (buymeacoffee). This is a more chatty and interactive livestream where I hope to create a community of likeminded people. 

Sundays 8PM AEDT – Divine Messages
I channel higher dimensional guidance from my Star Team for the newly awakened, spiritual seekers, lightworkers and starseeds. Topics vary depending on what my guides want to share.




Merkaba Molly

Merkaba Molly is a Divine channel and spiritual teacher offering intuitive guidance, high frequency energy healing, intuitive life coaching and mentoring.