Sacred Partnerships, Soul Growth
Emotional Healing Through Feeling
Feeling emotions fully and having the courage to be vulnerable brings the emotional healing, growth and intimacy your soul desires. Here’s guidance from my Star Team…

Song message: “I Feel It All” lyrics by singer and songwriter Feist, from The Reminder album.
I wake up and hear a song in my head, a message from my Star Team: I Feel It All by Feist, “I feel it all, I feel it all / I feel it all, I feel it all / The wings are wide, the wings are wide / Wild card inside, wild card inside.”
And in perfect synchronicity with this, I see on my Facebook memories that I shared a quote by vulnerability expert Brene Brown from her talk I attended in Sydney: “When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write the ending.”

Having the courage to be vulnerable brings great rewards in relationships and our personal experience of life.
Intuitively I understand the message I am being given is to do a thorough inventory of any emotions that are lurking unbeknownst within me. Emotional healing is needed and it’s not just for my wellbeing, it’s also for my manifestations to come into fruition – thoughts and feelings equal vibration and your vibration attracts similar vibrations.
I get out my journal and start writing. For me, writing is a familiar process to bring feelings to the forefront and to get to the heart of matters. I learned this many years ago when reading the book The Artist’s Way: the gist is to write freely, forget about spelling and grammar, just get into the flow and purge everything onto the page.

Ask the angels to help you release heavy emotions. (Photo by Ray Chan)
I make a list of how I’m feeling and spend time sitting with each emotion to let them be fully felt and then released. When I find an emotion is really stuck, I ask the angels to help me – I know it works and I’ve witnessed countless clients release very tough burdens simply by asking the angels for assistance.
Ideally, we achieve emotional healing by feeling the emotions as they occur and learn from them – emotions are simply telling us something about our experience. And when take responsibility of our emotions, we don’t try to hand them over to others, nor do we try to handle other people’s emotions. If everyone does their own emotional work, we will experience healthier relationships.
Years ago when I was training in Laughter Wellness, my teacher told me: “you can’t cherry-pick emotions.” What he meant is that you can’t choose to only feel the nice emotions and deny the unpleasant ones – this would dampen or numb your entire feeling experience. Sometimes we need to go deep into the depths of pain to come out the other side with a renewed feeling of joyous love.
Lately my Star Team has been encouraging me to find my wild self, and I completely understand this song message is a step towards that. Like Feist sings, when you feel the emotions and release them, you feel freedom (“the wings are wide”) and discover a “wild card”. We’re not talking crazy wild, but rather the natural and true Self, not shackled by heavy emotional burdens, limiting beliefs and societal conformity.
I remember in my early days of starting yoga, I’d come home from a class and feel as light as air. I’d look in the mirror and see myself differently, in a more accepting and less judgmental way. It’s amazing how your perception changes when you come out of the thinking mind and go into the feeling heart. How we interact with others is changed too – imagine a world where everyone is loving and not defensive!

Through the ascension process we are entering universal love consciousness – read my blog about this – tap on image. (Photo by Jude Beck)
The challenge is that most of us have been conditioned to be in the mind and find it difficult to connect with our heart. Time after time in client sessions, the angels are sending messages to help us find our way back to feeling lovable, loved and loving. The big part of this is self-acceptance – loving yourself for who you truly are. The best bit is that when you love yourself, you can express your love to others unconditionally. Unconditional love is where we are heading as our consciousness rises and our vibration changes (read my blog about this). So get ready to FEEL the LOVE!