Intuitive Studies, Soul Growth

Throat Chakra: Express Yourself Authentically

This past week I have received healing on my throat chakra and it’s all thanks to Facebook Marketplace!

Unpacking my belongings when I moved house at the start of the Covid19, I set the intention to declutter. Every New Year I am given a word as a theme to live by and this year my spirit team gave me “simplicity”. My goal is to be very intentional in what I bring into and keep in my home.

When Australia’s shutdown began in April, most of our shops closed too. Now in July we are still experiencing shortages and delays in goods that come from overseas. Facebook Marketplace has made it easy to move our unwanted things to new homes.

This week I chalked up my twentieth sale – I had worked through my kitchen, books and clothing. Now I would go through my old technology. I needed to test my Sony MiniDisc Player before listing it, and to do this required my old CD stereo.

So I pulled out my CD collection and felt guided to choose a Chakra Clearing meditation by Doreen Virtue – an old favourite I’d long forgotten. By the time Doreen’s meditation had reached the throat chakra, I became aware of strong energy. Afterwards I felt like I had a lump in my throat and it was working its way out.

A day later I listed a new kitchen appliance on Facebook Marketplace and received an offer about half of what I was asking. I replied “No”. The energy at my throat felt good! Next day I had a similar offer: “No.” Another day later another cheeky offer: “No.” By this point I understood that even while you’re in isolation, your guides and higher self will help you find a way to heal with the participation of others.

I am being asked to express myself in whatever way that is authentically true and in alignment with my being, and not feel bad about doing so.

Guidance from spirit is not always white feathers and pennies on the ground – it can be cloaked in modern technology too! Our guides will use whatever they can to get through to you, so be aware to the nuances of your daily life – you may indeed be getting some valuable spiritual guidance.



Merkaba Molly

Merkaba Molly is a Divine channel and spiritual teacher offering intuitive guidance, high frequency energy healing, intuitive life coaching and mentoring.