Enmore, Sydney, Australia 10am-5.30pm 0416 341 139
Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth
The current ascension energies are supporting heart chakra clearing and heart awakening (opening) for the collective.

On the night of Easter Sunday I heard an insistent song message in my head: “clear the way, clear the way”. The lyrics are from a kirtan song about Ganesha, the Hindu elephant god who removes obstacles on the spiritual path (read my blog about him).


That same morning I woke up with similar lyrics looping in my head: “it’s falling away, it’s falling away” – an Alex Lloyd song called Gender, which talks about societal conformity. Okay, so my spirit guides were wanting to tell me something!

past life regression therapy

I tuned in to receive the message my Star Team had been hinting at all day: our hearts are having a big energetic clearing and fear is falling away. I pulled cards from two different oracle decks and both cards had pictures of creatures with wings lifted for take-off – a hummingbird representing joy and a unicorn representing emotional freedom (see images below). This feeling of freedom is around the corner for many of us who are having our hearts open wider as old emotions, beliefs and unhelpful energy imprints are cleared.



A few days later I sat in a park enjoying the morning sun and noticed two teenaged brothers sitting on a bench nearby. I watched them get up and the eldest assist the younger boy, then they linked elbows and walked off. Just this simple act of love between brothers had me crying behind my sunglasses.


As people walked by I was hearing from my Star Team that we all need human connection – we are wired for physical touch, that the separation that Covid19 brought into our communities needs to be restored and we need to open our hearts again, and let go of any fear.


I was surprised by my sudden tears, but it made sense the next day when I became aware of my heart undergoing energy healing – this time without any effort of my own, assisted by my guides and angels. All I had to do was let it happen.



I had a similar experience of ascension symptoms last September, which I called an expansion of the heart and a clearing of painful emotions to allow for self-worth – read the blog. Heart awakening for most of us does not seem to be achieved in one go. I’ve had many heart-opening experiences over the years and each time I go through this kind of “tune-up”, my vibration shifts upwards – it’s absolutely palpable, both in how I feel and how I react to the world – my perception shifts too.


My rising vibration also means that I no longer align with some people. I’ve learned over many years to let this be and not allow emotional attachments to keep me stuck in a loop. Sometimes those friends shift in vibration later and we come back into alignment, but often it’s a case of new friendships coming in at a higher frequency. So don’t despair if this is happening to you – just let everything unfold naturally.


I truly marvel at the process of heart awakening – it is gentle and nurturing, timed perfectly with an individual’s unique soul growth. From my own experience, I can tell you that the guidance I receive from my Star Team helps me to make the most of the ascension energies and to stay on track in my spiritual development. For example, during our winter months of lockdown I was personally guided to do intensive forgiveness work and to release emotions that had been suppressed, then a couple of months later the heart expansion came and I was ready for it.



Currently the guidance coming through for many of my clients is around self-love. In one intuitive guidance session I was shown an image in my mind of a body with cracks down the centre with the glowing Divine light shining outwards. The guides were telling us that self-love is already within us – it’s just waiting to be felt. This client was asked to do her forgiveness work and heart healing to reveal that self-love which would be very important for her going forward in her Divine mission.


In 2019 I wrote a blog about self-love when my guides used the Whitney Houston song, Greatest Love Of All to convey an important message: “Because the greatest love of all is happening to me / I found the greatest love of all inside of me / The greatest love of all is easy to achieve / Learning to love yourself it is the greatest love of all”.


One of the biggest lessons of life, if not the biggest lesson, is to learn to love yourself. I feel that we’d be a lot happier and kinder to each other if we had healthy self-love. And this is where we are headed!


In December 2019 I was very excited to channel a clear and strong message about our transcendence into the love frequency. As I type this, I’m hearing that despite the difficulties of Covid19 last year, we did well in preparing for this frequency upgrade. If anything, we have become more resilient!


Certainly, people awakened during Covid19 lockdowns around the world. And my blog posts about ascension symptoms are some of the most popular on my website. So many of us are seeking answers to what is happening at both a personal and a grander scale. Ascension is an interesting topic and is constantly changing. I am grateful to have guides who inform me of what’s happening with the energy, so that I can share that guidance with you.



Ascension energies can be very strong and overwhelming for the body, however self-care practices can reduce the side effects. Try these ideas:


  • Drink filtered water and more than usual during strong energies (you may notice you are more thirsty)
  • Intuitively observe required dietary changes (read my blog about ascension dietary changes)
  • Practice meditation and yoga nidra relaxation
  • Spend time in nature to ground your energy
  • Sleep when you need to, as you may be more tired
  • Take a bath with Epsom salts to clear your energy field
  • Belly breathing and other pranayama practices from yoga (read my blog about yoga breathing)
  • Energy healing to clear and balance your energy body – check out my sessions

Intuitive Studies, Soul Growth

Get a peaceful mind and boost your psychic intuitive abilities with kirtan – the joyful yoga practice of chanting mantra with music.


Kirtan is a bhakti yoga practice of chanting sanskrit mantras to music. Mantra means freeing of the mind (man = mind, tra= free) – freeing ourselves from thoughts and fears, allowing ourselves to be our loving pure essence. Kirtan works by occupying the mind, or focusing the mind on mantra, so there is no room for incessant thinking, worries and ruminating thoughts.

Every morning I play kirtan music to relax and still my mind and bring good vibes into my energy field. It is truly beautiful music with mantras that stay in my mind during the day, keeping me focused on loving energy rather than negative thinking. Personally, I have found that the mantras and tunes spontaneously pop into my mind when I’m just about to think too much! I’ve also used kirtan to heal a broken heart, work through grief and find solace in hard times.

psychic classes: connect with spirit guides and angels

What makes kirtan special?
The mantras used in kirtan hold spiritual meaning, and are often devotional to Hindu gods and goddesses such as Ganesha. Westerners may choose to view this practice as a secular one, however I find it opens us up to working with ascended masters of India. The result is usually the same for everyone who tries kirtan – a peaceful mind and joyful feeling in the heart.

Western kirtan music can be of any genre – from rock to jazz to lullabies. The main criteria: it makes the practice appealing to your senses while delivering a meditational experience. As the guru of American kirtan wallah (singer) Krishna Das said, it is easier to take the medicine if it is sweeter.


Kirtan to boost your intuition
As kirtan is good for calming your mind and creating space between thoughts, it helps you to get into the right “frame of mind” to meditate and receive messages from your guides and angels. Of course, like meditation (read my post here), you would need to practice kirtan regularly for it to have this benefit. Why not start a practice of chanting and meditation, then flow into a chat with your guides?


Throat chakra healing
Singing might be the one thing that holds people back from participating in a kirtan. It is not necessary to have a beautiful voice or to be able sing well – the act of singing has an effect on your throat chakra, Visuddha – which relates to self expression, authenticity, speaking your truth, standing up for yourself. Have you ever had a knot in your throat? Was this when you needed to tell someone something but couldn’t? Or perhaps you didn’t have the courage to speak up or show the world your real self? Kirtan can help you clear stuck energy in this chakra and strengthen your ability to communicate your needs and authentically be you.

How do you practice kirtan alone?
You can sing along (but don’t do this while you’re driving!) or listen purely for relaxation. Instead of watching the news or looking at social media when I wake in the morning, I sing along with Krishna Das – he is truly a master of kirtan and I can listen to the same album daily without getting bored. I also play kirtan music while I’m cooking – it puts me in a good mood and hopefully puts good vibes into my dinner!

Attending kirtan events
Going to a live kirtan is a slightly different experience. I first discovered kirtan at a yoga ashram just outside of Sydney. It was a Friday night and a group of yogis were playing beautiful music with instruments including the guitar, Indian drums called the tabla and a portable organ-style keyboard called a harmonium.

A kirtan wallah was leading the audience in call and response chants. As the music built up in energy, the chants became louder and faster, with the audience eventually jumping off the ground into ecstatic dance. As the chant slowed down and the volume lowered, everyone came into stillness and felt the pure Divine energy within. Singing mantras with others led by an experienced kirtan wallah can give you a deep blissful feeling – I like to think of it as cleaning one’s mind and energy body.


Kirtan for kids

Children will find all kinds of kirtan music appealing – it’s great for calming them down, pre-bedtime, anytime! American kirtan wallah Jai Uttal made a special album just for kids, Kirtan Kids.


Famous kirtan singers

I’ve highlighted some of the top kirtan artists of the Western World in this YouTube playlist (also on my YouTube channel). If you find songs that you like, please support the artists by buying their albums or streaming on official channels such as Spotify or Soundcloud, where royalties are paid.




Sacred Partnerships, Soul Growth
Feeling emotions fully and having the courage to be vulnerable brings the emotional healing, growth and intimacy your soul desires. Here’s guidance from my Star Team… 


I wake up and hear a song in my head, a message from my Star Team: I Feel It All by Feist, “I feel it all, I feel it all / I feel it all, I feel it all / The wings are wide, the wings are wide / Wild card inside, wild card inside.”


And in perfect synchronicity with this, I see on my Facebook memories that I shared a quote by vulnerability expert Brene Brown from her talk I attended in Sydney: “When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write the ending.”


Intuitively I understand the message I am being given is to do a thorough inventory of any emotions that are lurking unbeknownst within me. Emotional healing is needed and it’s not just for my wellbeing, it’s also for my manifestations to come into fruition – thoughts and feelings equal vibration and your vibration attracts similar vibrations.



I get out my journal and start writing. For me, writing is a familiar process to bring feelings to the forefront and to get to the heart of matters. I learned this many years ago when reading the book The Artist’s Way: the gist is to write freely, forget about spelling and grammar, just get into the flow and purge everything onto the page.



I make a list of how I’m feeling and spend time sitting with each emotion to let them be fully felt and then released. When I find an emotion is really stuck, I ask the angels to help me – I know it works and I’ve witnessed countless clients release very tough burdens simply by asking the angels for assistance.


Ideally, we achieve emotional healing by feeling the emotions as they occur and learn from them – emotions are simply telling us something about our experience. And when take responsibility of our emotions, we don’t try to hand them over to others, nor do we try to handle other people’s emotions. If everyone does their own emotional work, we will experience healthier relationships.



Years ago when I was training in Laughter Wellness, my teacher told me: “you can’t cherry-pick emotions.” What he meant is that you can’t choose to only feel the nice emotions and deny the unpleasant ones – this would dampen or numb your entire feeling experience. Sometimes we need to go deep into the depths of pain to come out the other side with a renewed feeling of joyous love.


Lately my Star Team has been encouraging me to find my wild self, and I completely understand this song message is a step towards that. Like Feist sings, when you feel the emotions and release them, you feel freedom (“the wings are wide”) and discover a “wild card”. We’re not talking crazy wild, but rather the natural and true Self, not shackled by heavy emotional burdens, limiting beliefs and societal conformity.



I remember in my early days of starting yoga, I’d come home from a class and feel as light as air. I’d look in the mirror and see myself differently, in a more accepting and less judgmental way. It’s amazing how your perception changes when you come out of the thinking mind and go into the feeling heart. How we interact with others is changed too – imagine a world where everyone is loving and not defensive!




The challenge is that most of us have been conditioned to be in the mind and find it difficult to connect with our heart. Time after time in client sessions, the angels are sending messages to help us find our way back to feeling lovable, loved and loving. The big part of this is self-acceptance – loving yourself for who you truly are. The best bit is that when you love yourself, you can express your love to others unconditionally. Unconditional love is where we are heading as our consciousness rises and our vibration changes (read my blog about this). So get ready to FEEL the LOVE!


Ascension Energy Reports, My Story
Ascension upgrades to the third eye chakra boost clairvoyance. I share my personal experience of third eye activation and the ascension symptoms.


Early in October my Star Team advised me that my clairvoyant gifts would receive an ascension upgrade and suggested that I retreat (a la hermit) to support and nurture myself while this happened.

I didn’t think of that message again until mid-October, when during several days I felt an odd sensation that was much like ants walking around on my scalp. I even checked if some insect had found its way into my hair – nope! It seemed like my hair was vibrating near the crown of my head, towards the back.

On the second occasion of this strange feeling, I asked my guides what was going on and immediately received the message that it was an activation of the third eye chakra.

I also had shooting pain in my forehead for about a minute – it hurt so bad that I asked my guides to reduce whatever was happening and the pain quickly stopped.

I’d like to note that back in 2011-2013 my third eye was like a throbbing heart – I could physically feel it. You may experience something like this at the beginning of your third eye activations.


Exactly one week later I experienced vertigo – it came out of nowhere, all of a sudden – unfortunately I had just stepped out the door to take my dog for a walk. I felt very off-balance and walking was difficult (made even more challenging by my dog pulling me).

If this happens to you and vertigo strikes – lie down and don’t move! If you’ve experienced ascension symptoms before, you learn to rest and let them happen – don’t feel guilty about lying down and doing nothing.



A few days later I was sitting at my desk, between client sessions, and instinctively raised my arms up towards the ceiling – I felt energy flowing down through my crown chakra. I noticed my breathing had become so easy and free, it was different and hard to describe – this was over within a minute.

The next two days or so I had ringing in the ears – I would describe this like when you lose hearing in one ear for a very short time, say 30 seconds, and then hear full sound again. It can mean that your light body is shifting to a higher frequency.

A few of my friends also experienced these symptoms on the same days, which is so helpful for me, as we can share our stories and not feel alone.


Now that we are in November, you may ask have my clairvoyant gifts been boosted? Yes, in fact all of my gifts feel heightened now. Of course, I have been on this spiritual path for more than 20 years and can remember several periods when great leaps and bounds occurred in remembering my gifts.

The past few years have been especially fruitful in this way, and I know that many people are discovering their spiritual side at a much fast rate than we used to.

Please note, you may experience experiences like these at any time – on your own or within a collective group. We receive both personal and collective ascension upgrades. Remember that your soul has a path of its own and everything unfolds at the right time.

Spiritual ascension is happening in waves, meaning different groups of the collective go through stages at different times. My advice is just to be open to what is available to you.



Ascension energies can be very strong and overwhelming for the body, however self-care practices can reduce the side effects. Try these ideas:


  • Drink filtered water and more than usual during strong energies (you may notice you are more thirsty)
  • Intuitively observe required dietary changes (read my blog about ascension dietary changes)
  • Practice meditation and yoga nidra relaxation
  • Spend time in nature to ground your energy
  • Sleep when you need to, as you may be more tired
  • Take a bath with Epsom salts to clear your energy field
  • Belly breathing and other pranayama practices from yoga (read my blog about yoga breathing)

Intuitive Studies, Soul Growth


I invite you to join my spiritual circle: an online meeting in which you may connect with the higher dimensions.

This spiritual circle offers support for those on the ascension path: the newly awakened, spiritual seekers, lightworkers and starseeds, who want to develop their intuitive abilities, connect with angels and receive healing.

I provide the energetic space and activities to help you develop a strong connection with your inner guidance system, which is invaluable in navigating life. 

Activities include:

Relaxation & Meditation
– simple meditation that is easy to practice at home
– Yoga Nidra guided deep relaxation
– pranayama breathing techniques from yoga to relax and control movement of energy in body

Energy Work
– Qi Gong healing
– intuitive energy healing
– Angel Therapy healing
– clearing & shielding your energy

Intuitive Development
– learning how to connect and receive messages from guides, angels & higher dimensional lightbeings
– awakening to your intuitive gifts through a variety of practices such as automatic writing
– using tools such as oracle cards, pendulums and crystals

For more about my background, read about me

Info & Bookings
Wednesday 7pm-8.15pm AEDT (Australian time)
You will need the Zoom app on your device or computer.
Bookings at my shop

Ascension Energy Reports, My Story
Ascension light codes delivered heart chakra expansion for Divine Feminines and an important ascension upgrade in self-worth. I share my experience here…


Lion’s Gate Portal in 2020 was on 8 August and around this time ascension light codes began streaming down to our energy bodies, our merkabas, strongly for days (see my blog about this). It was not unusual, as over the past few years there have been many periods where the light codes come in very strong and then subside, giving our merkabas time to integrate and recalibrate to the higher frequencies – that’s why we often refer to them as “ascension upgrades”.


Nearly a week after Lion’s Gate, I experienced what I would call a heart expansion. I felt an extreme amount of energy entering my heart chakra, buzzing around, unsettled. It felt uncomfortable, so I lay down and placed my hands over my heart and calmed myself with energy healing and deep yogic breathing (see more below). I knew that I needed to be still to allow the process and help my physical body and my merkaba assimilate the changes.



Two weeks passed and I could sense my energy was feeling settled. I do energy healing on myself as part of my daily routine, so I notice changes when I have big energy shifts. As I tuned into my energy I saw golden waves in my third eye, and with my hands, I could feel the vibrations as very strong and joyful. I felt extreme gratitude for the upgrade.



A week later I was having a good day and then all of a sudden I felt extremely sad, painful energy in my heart. It came out of nowhere – completely unprovoked – and when I felt into it, I couldn’t pinpoint it to one event. It hurt so much that I was crying and I asked my guides and angels to take it away. 


The next day I heard from two of my friends, both also Divine Feminines, who had similar experiences at the same time as me. We knew we were not alone and that this was Divinely guided, happening on the eve of the full moon in Pisces, a sign known for its emotional side.



My guides tell me that this was to bring up old emotions from painful experiences, and beliefs that sabotage our self-worth – things like poor self-esteem and lack consciousness. For me, it brought to my attention the absolute need to cancel, clear and delete any thoughts leading to feelings of unworthiness. My guides want me to acknowledge my worthiness and keep it that way.


Ascension for each person is divinely timed and unique, so you may receive activations or upgrades like this at any time. I share this information to increase understanding among the community.


Know that this is all for the best and highest good, even though it may feel unpleasant at the time. And call on your guides and angels for help – they are already with you and waiting for you to ask!



Ascension energies can be very strong and overwhelming for the body, however self-care practices can reduce the side effects. Try these ideas:


  • Drink filtered water and more than usual during strong energies (you may notice you are more thirsty)
  • Intuitively observe required dietary changes (read my blog about ascension dietary changes)
  • Practice meditation and yoga nidra relaxation
  • Spend time in nature to ground your energy
  • Sleep when you need to, as you may be more tired
  • Take a bath with Epsom salts to clear your energy field
  • Belly breathing and other pranayama practices from yoga (read my blog about yoga breathing)

Intuitive Studies, Soul Growth

This past week I have received healing on my throat chakra and it’s all thanks to Facebook Marketplace!

Unpacking my belongings when I moved house at the start of the Covid19, I set the intention to declutter. Every New Year I am given a word as a theme to live by and this year my spirit team gave me “simplicity”. My goal is to be very intentional in what I bring into and keep in my home.

When Australia’s shutdown began in April, most of our shops closed too. Now in July we are still experiencing shortages and delays in goods that come from overseas. Facebook Marketplace has made it easy to move our unwanted things to new homes.

This week I chalked up my twentieth sale – I had worked through my kitchen, books and clothing. Now I would go through my old technology. I needed to test my Sony MiniDisc Player before listing it, and to do this required my old CD stereo.

So I pulled out my CD collection and felt guided to choose a Chakra Clearing meditation by Doreen Virtue – an old favourite I’d long forgotten. By the time Doreen’s meditation had reached the throat chakra, I became aware of strong energy. Afterwards I felt like I had a lump in my throat and it was working its way out.

A day later I listed a new kitchen appliance on Facebook Marketplace and received an offer about half of what I was asking. I replied “No”. The energy at my throat felt good! Next day I had a similar offer: “No.” Another day later another cheeky offer: “No.” By this point I understood that even while you’re in isolation, your guides and higher self will help you find a way to heal with the participation of others.

I am being asked to express myself in whatever way that is authentically true and in alignment with my being, and not feel bad about doing so.

Guidance from spirit is not always white feathers and pennies on the ground – it can be cloaked in modern technology too! Our guides will use whatever they can to get through to you, so be aware to the nuances of your daily life – you may indeed be getting some valuable spiritual guidance.