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Spiritual articles by Merkaba Molly

Welcome to Merkaba Molly's blog! Sign up for the newsletter to receive blog updates.
Here you will find articles about spiritual awakening, ascension of consciousness, ascension symptoms, starseeds, lightworkers, conscious love relationships, divine partnerships, soul healing and growth, past lives and reincarnation, psychic intuitive development, energy healing, past-life regression and spiritual regression, following your divine life purpose and much more. Got a question you'd like answered in a blog post? Let me know!
Soul Growth

Eco-Conscious Spirit Guides

November 9, 2021

Spirit guides and angels are trying to shape our thoughts and actions to be eco-conscious, which is essential in the time of climate change. In this q...

Ascension Energy Reports

Ascension Energy: Letting Go of Past & Moving Forward

October 15, 2021

We’ve had strong ascension energies this year, but since August I would say they’ve been non-stop and powerful! (You can read my August ascension ener...

Ascension Energy Reports

Self-Care For Ascension Symptoms

August 21, 2021

Ascension energies can be very strong and overwhelming for the body, however self-care practices can reduce the side effects.Try these ideas:WATERDrin...

Ascension Energy Reports

Ascension Symptoms August 2021

August 21, 2021

I felt called to write this energy report for August as there seems to be some major shifts occurring. On Monday 16 August I posted a photo of the sun...

Soul Growth

Self-Power & Authenticity: The Solar Plexus Chakra

May 25, 2021

In this article I share how energy healing and spiritual work can help you step into your self-power and fearlessly show the world your authentic self...

Intuitive Studies

Yoga Breathing: For Stress, Intuition & Your Energy Body

May 6, 2021

Try these easy yoga breathing practices to quiet your mind, calm your body and connect with your intuition. I am a 500-hour qualified yoga teacher and...

Ascension Energy Reports

Ascension: Heart Awakening & Self-Love at Easter Gateway

April 13, 2021

The current ascension energies are supporting heart chakra clearing and heart awakening (opening) for the collective.On the night of Easter Sunday I h...

Intuitive Studies

Kirtan Chanting For A Peaceful Mind

April 12, 2021

Get a peaceful mind and boost your psychic intuitive abilities with kirtan – the joyful yoga practice of chanting mantra with music. Kirtan...

Sacred Partnerships

Manifest A Divine Partnership, Sacred Union & Conscious Relationship

March 30, 2021

Want to manifest a divine partnership? Here’s how to attract a sacred partner for a conscious love relationship your soul truly desires. Watch t...

Ascension Energy Reports

Guidance Videos by Psychic Medium Healer

March 23, 2021

I am a psychic medium healer and spiritual teacher and share my gifts and experience in guidance videos and energy reports on YouTube.I offer a mix of...

Soul Growth

Manifest Your Heart’s Desires By Shifting Your Vibration!

March 15, 2021

Keen to learn manifestation and law of attraction techniques? Try this guidance to get you into the best vibration for manifestation success. Watch th...

Sacred Partnerships

Emotional Healing Through Feeling

March 2, 2021

Feeling emotions fully and having the courage to be vulnerable brings the emotional healing, growth and intimacy your soul desires. Here’s guida...

Ascension Energy Reports

Ascension Energy: Rainbow Light & Crystalline Body

January 4, 2021

This is an ascension energy report for the New Year of 2021: my Star Team advise of rainbow light for our crystalline energy body, self-care and the n...

Intuitive Studies

How I Became an Energy Healer

November 16, 2020

I am a Psychic Medium Energy Healer: I channel angels and master healers to perform energy healing, including psychic surgery, removing energetic bloc...

Ascension Energy Reports

Ascension Symptoms: Dietary Changes

November 10, 2020

Have you got ascension symptoms connected to your diet? As the body changes with ascension energies, your diet needs to change too!Ascension is changi...

Ascension Energy Reports

Ascension Upgrade: Third Eye Chakra Activation

November 10, 2020

Ascension upgrades to the third eye chakra boost clairvoyance. I share my personal experience of third eye activation and the ascension symptoms.THIRD...

My Story

Bring Your Sacred Union To Fruition

October 29, 2020

Get into vibrational alignment with Divine love and bring your sacred union, divine partnership or conscious love relationship to fruition.In early 20...