My Story, Sacred Partnerships
Get into vibrational alignment with Divine love and bring your sacred union, divine partnership or conscious love relationship to fruition.
In early 2019 I was given a vision of sacred union partnerships lighting up a grid network on earth – it looked much like a telecommunications map of the world – each couple would emit a love vibration so strong that everyone nearby would have their own vibrations raised – I was being guided to shine my light like a beacon. My guides have given me the teachings described below, which can also be applied for soul growth and harmonious relationships in general.
- Release negativity
Dig up any resentments, anger and unhealed emotions, especially about previous relationships, your Divine counterpart and this often difficult journey. Forgive so that you may move forward (see my post). Do the healing to bring yourself into balance – journalling is helpful to identify what needs to be addressed within. - Boost self-worth
Value who you are, inside and out. Truly understand that you are enough to have what you desire: like attracts like. And know in your heart and mind that you deserve love, repeat the mantra: “I am loving, I am loved, I am lovable.” - Focus on love
Bring love into your life by expressing your love everywhere. Start with self-love, accepting who you are completely and unconditionally – this will help you to feel unconditional love for family and friends, and for this life. Make this a daily practice and keep your focus on love. (We are all ascending to the love frequency, click here for my channelling on this.) - Work through fears
You may have deep-seated, hidden fears about being in a committed relationship. Maybe you don’t feel you deserve love (see “Boost self-worth”) or perhaps you have abandonment wounds (research attachment styles, I recommend Thais Gibson on YouTube). Also, what I have discovered is that you can do loads of personal development work yet still that abandonment wound persists – it is past-life trauma that needs to be cleared via energy sessions (see my energy healing offerings). - Manifest
Keep your thoughts focused on your desires, rather than your worries and fears. My guides kept on my tail to learn the Law of Attraction techniques and led me to read Ask and It Is Given by Esther Hicks. Manifestation is the way of BEing in higher dimensions. Learn it and practice it now! (watch my video here) - Practice gratitude
Being grateful for what you have puts you into a feel-good vibration. Manifestation is very much based on vibration or frequency. You don’t need much to do this practice, for example, be grateful for your hot showers, clear blue skies, fresh fruit and the sweet fragrance of flowers. - Align with joy
Much like focusing on love and gratitude, bring more joy into your life in whichever way that resonates with you. It might be spending time with fun friends, or watching rom-coms or stand-up comedy – whatever makes you laugh and radiate with joyfulness. - Power of NOW
Ruminating over the past or worrying about the future lowers your vibration. Being in the present moment is liberating! Learn mindfulness meditation and read my blog about why meditation is important for your psychic abilities. - Surrender
This is part letting go, part going with the flow, part trusting that the universe has your back and allowing your path to unfold. Anytime you feel like you are trying to control the outcome, remember to surrender. Esther Hicks and Abraham also teach the Law of Allowing – an important part of the manifestation teachings (my manifestation messages video and post may help you with this). - Receive
Ensure that you are open to receiving what is given and offered to you. Many of us are givers and will automatically reject things that come our way.
The path of individuals within sacred union partnerships is not for the fainthearted – it is a journey of huge transformation and growth, a part of the Divine spiritual ascension. The archangels have a big role in this, protecting and guiding each counterpart towards inner and outer sacred union, as my channelling here explains.