Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth, Videos
I am a psychic medium healer and spiritual teacher and share my gifts and experience in guidance videos and energy reports on YouTube.I offer a mix of livestream and pre-recorded guidance videos on my YouTube channel (click here), including three series of videos (listed below), plus timely ascension energy videos that I am guided to share. Please subscribe to my channel – you will be notified of new videos and planned livestreams.
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Wednesdays 11AM AEDT – Spiritual Chat
I answer your questions about spirituality, including awakening, ascension, healing, angels, starseeds, yoga, meditation, intuition, reincarnation, energy healing, being an empath and more. Plus, spiritual wisdom that my guides share with me. You can send me your question in advance using the contact form.

Fridays 8PM AEDT – Angel Messages
I am an Angel Communicator & Healer and in this livestream offer a space to call in the angels for healing and guidance. We chat, talk angel therapy and I offer mini angel readings by donation (buymeacoffee). This is a more chatty and interactive livestream where I hope to create a community of likeminded people.

Sundays 8PM AEDT – Divine Messages
I channel higher dimensional guidance from my Star Team for the newly awakened, spiritual seekers, lightworkers and starseeds. Topics vary depending on what my guides want to share.
Soul Growth, Videos
Keen to learn manifestation and law of attraction techniques? Try this guidance to get you into the best vibration for manifestation success. Watch the video or read this transcript.
I’m using Gabrielle Bernstein’s Super Attractor deck. The first card is “As soon as I choose to see the light in the dark corners, I redirect my power toward what I want”. Very much about looking into your shadow aspects: it’s not about criticising them, it’s about taking them in as part of you and accepting them and that brings wholeness. When we are holding energies in our body or our energy body that are attracting things, we want it to be pretty clear. If we’ve got stuff that’s needing to be released, we should really work on that because what we really want to attract is going to be affected by that. So I always start with working on myself to bring what I want into my life. A lot of people go the other way around but I’ve learned it’s definitely worth starting from yourself and doing the spiritual work. (Clear out old emotions – read my blog about how feeling it all really works!)
The next card: “My ability to receive is measured by how much I practice good feeling thoughts”. Often we are focusing on what we’re fearful of or scared of what could happen that’s possibly negative, because we’re trying to avoid disaster or avoid embarrassment or shame or whatever it is. That is actually counterproductive to what we are wanting. Mindfulness comes into play here: if you can learn a mindfulness meditation that helps you to be aware of your thoughts and stop yourself from going into negativity. And then practice the alternative, which is gratitude being grateful for everything in your life and that brings in more things that you’re grateful for. That’s the vibration we want to be in so that we can attract the beautiful things in life.
These cards are flying out! I got two cards, the first: “My true safety lies in my capacity to align with the love of the universe”. I was just talking about trying to be safe and here’s the information that they want to give us about feeling safe truly, which is my true safety lies in my capacity to align with the love of the universe. The second card is: “When I’m patient, I let the universe do for me what I cannot do for myself”. We’re often thinking ‘why isn’t this happening?’ but what that actually is doing is bringing more ‘why isn’t it happening?’. If you’re in waiting mode, you get more waiting. So think about what energy you’re projecting out there so that you can really focus on the energy that will bring you what you want – it’s key for manifestation.
Next card is: “The universe has big plans for me and it’s time to claim them”. If you’re feeling like you’re not ready yet, just try anyway. You probably already know what it is that you want to do but the fear is stopping you or blocking you. Put that fear into perspective: it’s all about creating safety by avoiding something. Instead, think about what you could achieve through this dream or goal or action that you’ve already got in your mind and your heart and go for it – now is the time to go for it! (And that’s probably why you were drawn to read this manifestation article!)
Next card: “Spiritual alignment puts my manifestation into motion”. I always come back to that – spiritual alignment is number one and meditation does that for me. I always think if I can come back to that oneness within and with the divine from there I can erase the control, the grip the ego has on me and I can clear my mind and listen to my heart.
Whoa, another card flew out! “I heal the habit of fear and I embrace the habit of love”, which is what I just said. We’re wanting to always choose love over fear. Sometimes we need to shift ourselves into the love through some practice – the practice might be meditation, it might be a walk in nature – just think of something that helps you shift into that feeling of love and back to your true self. What makes you feel like yourself again? Maybe it’s a long hot bath or playing with your dog, there’s so many ways to do it.
They’re all falling on the floor tonight, but I’m glad as that means things are happening here with the energy.
Wow! This one says: “The universe powerfully responds the instant I realign with love”. Very similar to what we had before, but the messages keep repeating over and over again: align with love, align with the divine, step out of the ego, come into your heart. Don’t fear and step forward into action to create what you want. And if you need to do healing to bring yourself into alignment, do it
“I let an inner sense of quiet multiply each day as I strengthen my faith in the love of the universe”. That inner quiet can come from meditation – I know I keep banging on about meditation but it’s really helpful, really really helpful, especially for stress.
Last card from this deck: “I can do less and attract more”. Okay, I can do less and attract more is a very different way of thinking to what we all kind of believe, which is we’ve got to do more and more and more to get more. This is a much more simple way of doing things, letting the universe help you.
This oracle deck is called Divine Abundance and it’s very good for coming into a space of allowance to manifest what you want in life.
Well that one fell out fast: “Liberation: the doubts and fears still come up, you don’t believe anymore that they’re you”. That’s the key thing here: understanding that your doubts and fears are not actually you. Your thoughts are not you, so if you come across fear just remember it’s false programming.
I hope that makes sense to you. Sometimes we need messages to repeat over and over again to remember them and ingrain them and bring them into practice for ourselves. I know I do, it’s been a long path of learning for me.
Next card is “Courage” – this comes back to what we were saying earlier about taking action. It says: “Let me be open to courageously taking the leaps that are shown”. Some of the people watching this will have an idea that they want to do but they’re having fear block them or stop them from actually going ahead with it. We’ve been getting the message strongly tonight to step away from the fear and step forward into your action plan. Take action: it may take some courage, but I think once you actually do it, there won’t be any fear, you’ll realise that.
For other people watching it’s a different scenario where you’re waiting to receive but we’re trying to get out of waiting mode and more into allowing mode, a slight difference in energy vibration. So for you guys, it’s going to be more understanding these lessons in your heart space and coming into a vibration of gratitude.
And this card that came out: “Ease: it’s easy for me to receive”, which is what I was just saying. “It’s easy for me to receive” is the space that we want to be in – when we are ready to receive what we’re trying to manifest. And for the other people who want to create something and take action, for you guys it’s about just stepping around the fear and moving forward.
Keen to put your manifestation techniques into use for attracting a love partner? Watch this video or read the transcript here
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