Ascension Energy Reports, Uncategorized
I felt called to write this energy report for August as there seems to be some major shifts occurring. On Monday 16 August I posted a photo of the sun on my Instagram and shared that I felt pulled to sit in the sun a lot that day. Light codes come through the sun’s rays and can activate our energy body for different types of ascension growth.On Thursday 19 August my blogs about ascension symptoms got the most reads ever! These are blogs are usually the most popular of all my posts but on this particular day they skyrocketed! Obviously people are experiencing ascension symptoms and are seeking understanding.
At the start of the month we had the Lion’s Gate Portal – an annual energetic opening starting on July 28, culminating on August 8 and ending on August 12. Many people said they had big changes during this year’s Lion’s Gate – whether it was life decisions, lightning bolts of awareness or epiphanies or the motivation to move forward out of stuckness. It feels like the ascension energies will continue to come in strong for the remainder of August.
As you will read in my previous ascension blog posts, energies can have a theme such as opening the heart and releasing old pain or can be attunements such as third-eye psychic gifts being revealed. People can be awakened spiritually in a snap!
Ascension symptoms can be experienced by a collective – a group of similarly paced individuals – or can be experienced as an individual undergoing specific attunements for their path (particularly in the case of lightworkers with divine missions).
The main advice I offer is to practice self-care during these spikes in energies – read my ascension symptom self-care guide here. When you are feeling incoming ascension energy, allow yourself to receive it by setting that intention. Breathing deeply will help!
I highly recommend energy work to balance your energy body after significant ascension shifts. I offer these services online via Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp or FaceTime. I can also channel guidance around the experiences you have had, your life purpose and other questions you might be seeking answers for. Higher dimensional help is available to us all!
Intuitive Studies, Soul Growth
Try these easy yoga breathing practices to quiet your mind, calm your body and connect with your intuition.
I am a 500-hour qualified yoga teacher and have been teaching gentle hatha yoga since 2006. Yoga breathing, known as pranayama, has always been a wonderful discovery for my yoga students both young and old, as it is often easier than meditation and creates a calm feeling.
Why practice yoga breathing?
Pranayama is a sanskrit word meaning control of the breath and the prana, ie the energy, it contains. When followed correctly, pranayama practices can move the energy around your body and balance it for optimum health.
The yoga breathing techniques I share below can calm a busy, stressed or anxious mind. You can do them anywhere, anytime. Children and adults can use these breathing practices.
The yoga breathing techniques offered here are an easy way to slow down your thoughts, so it’s a great way to prepare for your meditation practice. A breathing practice may help you quickly go deep into stillness during meditation.
If you’re looking to develop your psychic abilities or intuition, yoga breathing practices can help you quiet and focus your mind to be in a receptive mode. Intuition is all about receiving! Read my blog about meditation for intuition.
Body aches and pains from strong ascension energies such as incoming light codes and solar flares can be eased by the belly breath practice I share below. I particularly recommend this practice when you are receiving personal ascension activations, upgrades or healings from your guides – breathing deeply lets your body relax and accept what is happening. Read my blogs about ascension.
How yoga breathing works
We can easily use the breath to calm our mind and body by taking deep and long breaths. Remember:
Slow, long breaths are calming
Fast, short breaths create anxiety
Our mind can also create a sense of calm or a sense of anxiety through our quality of thinking, that’s why mindfulness meditation is helpful.
Breathing deeply brings more oxygen into the body for healthy functioning. With a deep breath you can get 7 more times oxygen than with a shallow breath!
Most people breathe shallow and it can take some effort to breathe deeply – if this is you, just practice and it will soon become natural.
Yoga breathing requires you to focus your attention on the breath and not let your mind get distracted by thoughts or external noises. This has the effect of bringing your mind to more stillness or a “quiet” place.
4 basic yoga breathing practices
While you can do pranayama anywhere, a quiet place with a calm atmosphere will help you relax more.
Sit up straight so you can breathe deeply and the lungs can expand fully.
Sigh Breath
The simplest calming breath is to focus on breathing in deeply and sighing the air out. Try to breathe in through the nose unless you have a blocked nose.
Snake Breath
Breathe deeply in through the nose and breath out through the mouth to make a ssssssssssss sound with your tongue.
Humming Bee Breath
Close your eyes, press your thumbs on the flaps of your ears to shut out external noise.
Breathe in deeply through the nose, breath out with a closed mouth and hum like a bee.
Practice for 1-3 minutes. Keep your eyes closed and notice the feeling.
Belly Breathing
Lie on your back. More comfortable for your back: bend your legs, feet on the floor, knees resting on each other.
Place your hands on your belly. Breathe deeply through your nose into the base of your belly in a slow and measured way – don’t rush this!
As the lungs fill with air the belly naturally rises. As you slowly breath out all the air the belly naturally falls.
Focus your mind on the movement of the breath and the feeling of your hands rising and falling with the belly.
Note: You may like to place one hand on your heart, the other hand on your belly.