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Soul Growth, Videos
In this article I share how energy healing and spiritual work can help you step into your self-power and fearlessly show the world your authentic self. You can also watch the accompanying video.

Being in alignment with your self-power enables you to be truly authentic. Being authentic is expressing your soul’s essence – and this is where those of us on the spiritual path are asked to shine.


There’s a huge wave of people having spiritual awakenings now and for some there is a feeling of urgency to step onto their divine path. What they discover is that they need to release old wounding, limiting beliefs and energy imprints that are holding them back, particularly when it comes to self-power.


The solar plexus chakra, the third chakra around the belly button, is where we find our self-power and our courage to express ourselves authentically.

Bringing the solar plexus chakra into balance can allow for huge personal transformation. And when this chakra is in harmony we can manifest our life’s purpose and desires.


When the solar plexus is out of balance, we have trouble being authentic, which can cause a feeling of discontent (this feeling helps us know we need to be more authentic in our choices!)

Energy Healing removes limiting beliefs and stuck energy


Sometimes you can work through the issues that are holding you back with shadow work techniques. However, strong energy imprints can be harder to shift and really need energy manipulation by an experienced energy healer such as myself.


The way I work as an energy healer is with master healer guides and angels coming through me as a channel. (You can read my story about how I became an energy healer here.)


My guides show me through my clairvoyant gifts where to work on the body, obstructions to remove, or where to channel healing energy. Sometimes guides and angels are working on the client alongside of me.


Both current life issues and past life issues can cause energy blocks in the chakras, as I will explain with some examples below.



An example of a current life issue that caused a blocked solar plexus follows. I was shown that my client had a lot of self-doubt that came from childhood.


The self-doubt was so strong that it continued to be an influence throughout her adult years and was affecting her career choices.


When I began the energy healing, I clairvoyantly saw the energy block as a tall and wide lump over her belly.


As I worked to remove that heavy stagnant energy, I saw the lid of the lump come off and a dark smoke rise up for quite some time – I asked the guides what the energy was and heard “fear and self-doubt”.


This low-vibrational energy was effectively stopping her from going after her dreams, and lowering her expectations for what she could achieve in her life.


It’s no wonder that she was guided to find me and book an energy healing session. Her guides had been dropping hints everywhere, including feathers falling out of her hair, to grab her attention.


And because she was just awakening to spirituality and the guides were insistent I tell her she had a bigger life purpose, she was more motivated to shift out of the thinking pattern of self-doubt. A whole new path was awaiting her!


Many of my clients are lightworkers and often they find themselves stalled in their path, unable to use their self-power or express themselves and their beliefs due to fear of being ridiculed or worse.


What happened to lightworkers in past lives is absolutely deplorable and it is no wonder we have such difficulty coming out of the closet. But now is a much safer time to use our gifts – and we are needed!


In the following example, fear had such a strong hold on my client that she was having trouble moving forward in her lightworker capacity.


Her self-power had been completely shut down by an authority in a past life – she was simply not allowed to be herself or use her gifts because of the beliefs of others.


Over the course of two energy sessions, the guides, angels and I removed the energy imprints from her field, including a lot of fear held in the kidneys.


Using my clairvoyant gift, I saw a big metal chain wrapped around her ankles and removed it. No wonder she was not able to step forward in her divine mission!


It was now time for my client to take back her power and share her gifts.



As a healer in many lifetimes, in this life I have had to overcome huge fears of becoming an outcast for expressing myself authentically.


Stepping into my own power has been all about self-love – accepting myself 100 per cent, including my gifts as a channel and healer.


To be in our power and authentic, we need to fully accept ourselves and acknowledge our uniqueness.


And, as I write this, my guides are telling me that the more we accept our intuitive gifts, the more gifts will become available to us!

intuitive guidance & psychic reading


Making choices based on external influences such as what other people think rather than our inner knowing weakens our self-power. It’s simply not authentic!


What other people think of you is none of your business, and what you are guessing they think about you is probably well off the mark!


Or perhaps you feel pressured to take a path you don’t truly want. It’s fairly common that people do trainings or studies that their parents want them to do, while their true leaning is towards something else.


Some people stay in loveless marriages because of conditioned beliefs from society or religious institutions. Meanwhile, they plunge themselves into bad health or depression because they are so out of alignment with their soul’s plan.


Inauthentic choices rarely stick and I see many clients who come to a crossroads of either staying in misery or taking the leap of faith and following their passion.


Make choices that are in alignment with your heart. Feel into your heart and follow its calling.


Our higher self already knows our life purpose or divine mission and gives us inner guidance, too. Listen to it!


Best of all, when following the greater plan for your soul, you come into a vibration of peace and contentment.


My Star Team would like to remind you that this life is for you to create. Co-creating with the divine is working together to manifest our heart’s desires (read my manifestation blog for more on this).


Co-creation often requires action on our part, and this is where the solar plexus is important – if this chakra is balanced you will have the confidence, motivation and willpower to take action.



When repeating the following affirmations, place your hands on your belly, over the solar plexus chakra. Feel the sensation here each time you say an affirmation.











Learn more about my guidance, energy and coaching sessions.


Intuitive Studies, Soul Growth
Try these easy yoga breathing practices to quiet your mind, calm your body and connect with your intuition.

I am a 500-hour qualified yoga teacher and have been teaching gentle hatha yoga since 2006. Yoga breathing, known as pranayama, has always been a wonderful discovery for my yoga students both young and old, as it is often easier than meditation and creates a calm feeling.

mentoring intuition & psychic gifts

Why practice yoga breathing?



Pranayama is a sanskrit word meaning control of the breath and the prana, ie the energy, it contains. When followed correctly, pranayama practices can move the energy around your body and balance it for optimum health.



The yoga breathing techniques I share below can calm a busy, stressed or anxious mind. You can do them anywhere, anytime. Children and adults can use these breathing practices.



The yoga breathing techniques offered here are an easy way to slow down your thoughts, so it’s a great way to prepare for your meditation practice. A breathing practice may help you quickly go deep into stillness during meditation. 


If you’re looking to develop your psychic abilities or intuition, yoga breathing practices can help you quiet and focus your mind to be in a receptive mode. Intuition is all about receiving! Read my blog about meditation for intuition.



Body aches and pains from strong ascension energies such as incoming light codes and solar flares can be eased by the belly breath practice I share below. I particularly recommend this practice when you are receiving personal ascension activations, upgrades or healings from your guides – breathing deeply lets your body relax and accept what is happening. Read my blogs about ascension.



How yoga breathing works



We can easily use the breath to calm our mind and body by taking deep and long breaths. Remember:

Slow, long breaths are calming

Fast, short breaths create anxiety


Our mind can also create a sense of calm or a sense of anxiety through our quality of thinking, that’s why mindfulness meditation is helpful.



Breathing deeply brings more oxygen into the body for healthy functioning. With a deep breath you can get 7 more times oxygen than with a shallow breath!


Most people breathe shallow and it can take some effort to breathe deeply – if this is you, just practice and it will soon become natural.



Yoga breathing requires you to focus your attention on the breath and not let your mind get distracted by thoughts or external noises. This has the effect of bringing your mind to more stillness or a “quiet” place.



4 basic yoga breathing practices


While you can do pranayama anywhere, a quiet place with a calm atmosphere will help you relax more.


Sit up straight so you can breathe deeply and the lungs can expand fully.



Sigh Breath

The simplest calming breath is to focus on breathing in deeply and sighing the air out. Try to breathe in through the nose unless you have a blocked nose.


Snake Breath

Breathe deeply in through the nose and breath out through the mouth to make a ssssssssssss sound with your tongue.


Humming Bee Breath

Close your eyes, press your thumbs on the flaps of your ears to shut out external noise.


Breathe in deeply through the nose, breath out with a closed mouth and hum like a bee.


Practice for 1-3 minutes. Keep your eyes closed and notice the feeling.



Belly Breathing

Lie on your back. More comfortable for your back: bend your legs, feet on the floor, knees resting on each other.


Place your hands on your belly. Breathe deeply through your nose into the base of your belly in a slow and measured way – don’t rush this!


As the lungs fill with air the belly naturally rises. As you slowly breath out all the air the belly naturally falls.


Focus your mind on the movement of the breath and the feeling of your hands rising and falling with the belly.


Note: You may like to place one hand on your heart, the other hand on your belly.


Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth
The current ascension energies are supporting heart chakra clearing and heart awakening (opening) for the collective.

On the night of Easter Sunday I heard an insistent song message in my head: “clear the way, clear the way”. The lyrics are from a kirtan song about Ganesha, the Hindu elephant god who removes obstacles on the spiritual path (read my blog about him).


That same morning I woke up with similar lyrics looping in my head: “it’s falling away, it’s falling away” – an Alex Lloyd song called Gender, which talks about societal conformity. Okay, so my spirit guides were wanting to tell me something!

past life regression therapy

I tuned in to receive the message my Star Team had been hinting at all day: our hearts are having a big energetic clearing and fear is falling away. I pulled cards from two different oracle decks and both cards had pictures of creatures with wings lifted for take-off – a hummingbird representing joy and a unicorn representing emotional freedom (see images below). This feeling of freedom is around the corner for many of us who are having our hearts open wider as old emotions, beliefs and unhelpful energy imprints are cleared.



A few days later I sat in a park enjoying the morning sun and noticed two teenaged brothers sitting on a bench nearby. I watched them get up and the eldest assist the younger boy, then they linked elbows and walked off. Just this simple act of love between brothers had me crying behind my sunglasses.


As people walked by I was hearing from my Star Team that we all need human connection – we are wired for physical touch, that the separation that Covid19 brought into our communities needs to be restored and we need to open our hearts again, and let go of any fear.


I was surprised by my sudden tears, but it made sense the next day when I became aware of my heart undergoing energy healing – this time without any effort of my own, assisted by my guides and angels. All I had to do was let it happen.



I had a similar experience of ascension symptoms last September, which I called an expansion of the heart and a clearing of painful emotions to allow for self-worth – read the blog. Heart awakening for most of us does not seem to be achieved in one go. I’ve had many heart-opening experiences over the years and each time I go through this kind of “tune-up”, my vibration shifts upwards – it’s absolutely palpable, both in how I feel and how I react to the world – my perception shifts too.


My rising vibration also means that I no longer align with some people. I’ve learned over many years to let this be and not allow emotional attachments to keep me stuck in a loop. Sometimes those friends shift in vibration later and we come back into alignment, but often it’s a case of new friendships coming in at a higher frequency. So don’t despair if this is happening to you – just let everything unfold naturally.


I truly marvel at the process of heart awakening – it is gentle and nurturing, timed perfectly with an individual’s unique soul growth. From my own experience, I can tell you that the guidance I receive from my Star Team helps me to make the most of the ascension energies and to stay on track in my spiritual development. For example, during our winter months of lockdown I was personally guided to do intensive forgiveness work and to release emotions that had been suppressed, then a couple of months later the heart expansion came and I was ready for it.



Currently the guidance coming through for many of my clients is around self-love. In one intuitive guidance session I was shown an image in my mind of a body with cracks down the centre with the glowing Divine light shining outwards. The guides were telling us that self-love is already within us – it’s just waiting to be felt. This client was asked to do her forgiveness work and heart healing to reveal that self-love which would be very important for her going forward in her Divine mission.


In 2019 I wrote a blog about self-love when my guides used the Whitney Houston song, Greatest Love Of All to convey an important message: “Because the greatest love of all is happening to me / I found the greatest love of all inside of me / The greatest love of all is easy to achieve / Learning to love yourself it is the greatest love of all”.


One of the biggest lessons of life, if not the biggest lesson, is to learn to love yourself. I feel that we’d be a lot happier and kinder to each other if we had healthy self-love. And this is where we are headed!


In December 2019 I was very excited to channel a clear and strong message about our transcendence into the love frequency. As I type this, I’m hearing that despite the difficulties of Covid19 last year, we did well in preparing for this frequency upgrade. If anything, we have become more resilient!


Certainly, people awakened during Covid19 lockdowns around the world. And my blog posts about ascension symptoms are some of the most popular on my website. So many of us are seeking answers to what is happening at both a personal and a grander scale. Ascension is an interesting topic and is constantly changing. I am grateful to have guides who inform me of what’s happening with the energy, so that I can share that guidance with you.



Ascension energies can be very strong and overwhelming for the body, however self-care practices can reduce the side effects. Try these ideas:


  • Drink filtered water and more than usual during strong energies (you may notice you are more thirsty)
  • Intuitively observe required dietary changes (read my blog about ascension dietary changes)
  • Practice meditation and yoga nidra relaxation
  • Spend time in nature to ground your energy
  • Sleep when you need to, as you may be more tired
  • Take a bath with Epsom salts to clear your energy field
  • Belly breathing and other pranayama practices from yoga (read my blog about yoga breathing)
  • Energy healing to clear and balance your energy body – check out my sessions

Intuitive Studies, Soul Growth

Get a peaceful mind and boost your psychic intuitive abilities with kirtan – the joyful yoga practice of chanting mantra with music.


Kirtan is a bhakti yoga practice of chanting sanskrit mantras to music. Mantra means freeing of the mind (man = mind, tra= free) – freeing ourselves from thoughts and fears, allowing ourselves to be our loving pure essence. Kirtan works by occupying the mind, or focusing the mind on mantra, so there is no room for incessant thinking, worries and ruminating thoughts.

Every morning I play kirtan music to relax and still my mind and bring good vibes into my energy field. It is truly beautiful music with mantras that stay in my mind during the day, keeping me focused on loving energy rather than negative thinking. Personally, I have found that the mantras and tunes spontaneously pop into my mind when I’m just about to think too much! I’ve also used kirtan to heal a broken heart, work through grief and find solace in hard times.

psychic classes: connect with spirit guides and angels

What makes kirtan special?
The mantras used in kirtan hold spiritual meaning, and are often devotional to Hindu gods and goddesses such as Ganesha. Westerners may choose to view this practice as a secular one, however I find it opens us up to working with ascended masters of India. The result is usually the same for everyone who tries kirtan – a peaceful mind and joyful feeling in the heart.

Western kirtan music can be of any genre – from rock to jazz to lullabies. The main criteria: it makes the practice appealing to your senses while delivering a meditational experience. As the guru of American kirtan wallah (singer) Krishna Das said, it is easier to take the medicine if it is sweeter.


Kirtan to boost your intuition
As kirtan is good for calming your mind and creating space between thoughts, it helps you to get into the right “frame of mind” to meditate and receive messages from your guides and angels. Of course, like meditation (read my post here), you would need to practice kirtan regularly for it to have this benefit. Why not start a practice of chanting and meditation, then flow into a chat with your guides?


Throat chakra healing
Singing might be the one thing that holds people back from participating in a kirtan. It is not necessary to have a beautiful voice or to be able sing well – the act of singing has an effect on your throat chakra, Visuddha – which relates to self expression, authenticity, speaking your truth, standing up for yourself. Have you ever had a knot in your throat? Was this when you needed to tell someone something but couldn’t? Or perhaps you didn’t have the courage to speak up or show the world your real self? Kirtan can help you clear stuck energy in this chakra and strengthen your ability to communicate your needs and authentically be you.

How do you practice kirtan alone?
You can sing along (but don’t do this while you’re driving!) or listen purely for relaxation. Instead of watching the news or looking at social media when I wake in the morning, I sing along with Krishna Das – he is truly a master of kirtan and I can listen to the same album daily without getting bored. I also play kirtan music while I’m cooking – it puts me in a good mood and hopefully puts good vibes into my dinner!

Attending kirtan events
Going to a live kirtan is a slightly different experience. I first discovered kirtan at a yoga ashram just outside of Sydney. It was a Friday night and a group of yogis were playing beautiful music with instruments including the guitar, Indian drums called the tabla and a portable organ-style keyboard called a harmonium.

A kirtan wallah was leading the audience in call and response chants. As the music built up in energy, the chants became louder and faster, with the audience eventually jumping off the ground into ecstatic dance. As the chant slowed down and the volume lowered, everyone came into stillness and felt the pure Divine energy within. Singing mantras with others led by an experienced kirtan wallah can give you a deep blissful feeling – I like to think of it as cleaning one’s mind and energy body.


Kirtan for kids

Children will find all kinds of kirtan music appealing – it’s great for calming them down, pre-bedtime, anytime! American kirtan wallah Jai Uttal made a special album just for kids, Kirtan Kids.


Famous kirtan singers

I’ve highlighted some of the top kirtan artists of the Western World in this YouTube playlist (also on my YouTube channel). If you find songs that you like, please support the artists by buying their albums or streaming on official channels such as Spotify or Soundcloud, where royalties are paid.




Sacred Partnerships, Soul Growth, Videos
Want to manifest a divine partnership? Here’s how to attract a sacred partner for a conscious love relationship your soul truly desires. Watch the video or read this transcript.


There are a few different ways to describe conscious love relationships these – some people say sacred partnerships or divine partnerships – essentially it’s a way to describe a higher frequency connection in a love partnership.


I’ve seen a lot of people this year and last year in guidance sessions who were describing how they’ve met someone and there’s an energetic connection that they’ve never felt like this before and they’re confused about it. Often that is what leads to a higher consciousness loving partnership.


The challenging part is deciding or figuring out whether it’s a karmic connection because that energy of karma can feel like that too. Sometimes it is a repeating partnership that’s happened through many lifetimes and you’re feeling the connection – the remembrance of that. It could be a mixture of both, a bit of karma and a bit of a soul partner who you’ve been with through many lifetimes and you can only know by just moving forward and seeing what happens – letting it unfold but doing it with awareness.



Trust Intuition, Not Dating Advice

A problem can exist where you’re experiencing this but you’re applying the regular dating wisdom – the “wisdom” that is going around in society – and it just doesn’t mesh, doesn’t make sense. It’ll cause a lot of frustration and it won’t actually help you move forward in this relationship and could actually cause problems and make it stall or go backwards.


So that’s one of the things to be wary of, that dating books and so on may not apply to these kinds of relationships. Trust your intuition! There are other people like us who understand – it’s best to talk to people who understand rather than to talk to friends who don’t understand and are giving you old dating advice. Be careful who you listen to, and really trust yourself and your guidance.


Connecting to your guidance is going to be a big part of this relationship, because that will help you move through the ascension process and have the personal growth that will actually bring in this partner or partners as you go through higher and higher levels of frequency and vibration.



Vibrational Growth & Law of Attraction

What can happen is that you’ll attract a partner and then there’ll be a shifting growth frequency and you’ll slide up and if they slide up, you’ll keep connecting, but if they don’t, you’ll keep going and they’ll fall away. Then you’ll bring in another one and it will keep going like that. That’s how I describe it to my clients, it’s just an easier way to understand that it’s not so much personal but it’s more about vibration.


Start Working on Yourself

The number one starting point is working on yourself and the motivating factor for that would just be to feel good, because we want to heal the bits that don’t feel good. The wounds include childhood wounds, inner wounds, past life wounds and trauma that has occurred in your life. You can also look at shadow aspects of yourself and integrate those.


This healing is done throughout life – it’s not like you can achieve it all and then it’s done. Just keep working at it and your vibrational energy field will become clearer as you release more and more. This will help you magnetically attract the partner who is at the same vibration as you.


Super Attractor Guidance

I’m going to see what guidance my Star Team has. I’m using the Super Attractor deck and asking about personal growth: what we can do to bring in a high vibration partner?



This card says: “When I surrender my will to the care of spirit and the universe I attune my energy with an ever-present stream of wellbeing”. Surrender is a big part of this – it’s about working with your spirit team and not feeling alone in it, and by spirit team, I mean your higher self, your spirit guides, your archangels, your guardian angels – the higher parts of yourself.



Next card: “I trust that my powerful intentions combined with my faith are enough to allow my vision to become my reality”. Another big part of this is setting the intention that you wish to bring in a high vibration partnership. That is your biggest dream – you don’t want low-vibration partnerships anymore, you want a conscious loving relationship.


I’ve written a blog about this topic (click here to read), so you can look at the vibrational alignment that is required and tips about how to manifest this kind of love partnership. Essentially it all comes down to self-love. If you can achieve the self-love part, loving everybody else in your life is going to be way easier. We’re all here to learn self-love.


Next cards: “When I’m connected to spirit, I feel a sense of certainty, magnitude and ease that I’ve never known before” and “The universe has big plans for me and it’s time to claim them.” Often these partnerships are part of a Divine plan that has a purpose, which is usually serving the greater good. So one of the things you can do when you are setting an intention to call in your partnership is to say it is for the highest good of all. You can say: “Thank you spirit for bringing my Divine partnership to me for the highest good of all.”



Ask For Help

Now I’m using the Divine Abundance Oracle deck, which is another good deck to help us get into the vibrational alignment needed for this. This card fell: “Invite Help: Invite the Divine to pursue you. Seriously, just say ‘I’m finally ready, God pursue me’”. Again this is about inviting help from your spirit team and the Divine – they will help you connect with the person you’re meant to meet. In many of these cases, the people meet in interesting ways that are quite unique and fascinating – there’s usually a really good story. I know when I hear these stories, I can really tell that spirit has its finger in this and has connected the dots and helped these people come together.



Non-Attachment is Key

The next card says “Flow: Allow me, Divine, to move with the flow and respond with calmness and peace”. Going with the flow and listening to spirit and being open and allowing this to unfold with detachment or non-attachment is really important. Any vibration that is coming from fear, like fear of losing something and grasping, holding on tight, or worry that you’re never going to get it – any fear like that, which is lower vibration, is going to lower your vibration. So each time you come into that kind of vibration, shift out of it – do whatever you can to leave it behind and move into high vibration. I would choose to move into a state of gratitude – you can just focus on everything you’re grateful for in your life – just spend a moment doing that and that instantly shifts you into a different vibe that’s going to help you bring in more of the good things. Use gratitude to move out of fear.


Set Your Intention

Work with intention and affirmations: you can say as if it’s already happened, “thank you spirit for bringing my partner to me” or “thank you for helping me see my partner” or “discover my partner” or “find my partner easily”. Things like that – just be creative and think about it as if you’ve already done it or already achieved it



Follow Inner Guidance

The next card is an important part of it too: “Receiving: Every day it becomes easier to receive the highest Divine plan and to trust my inner guidance”. First of all, Divine plan – it’s important to recognise there is a Divine plan and you just allow things to happen – you allow them to come and you allow them to go, you don’t fight it with resistance.


Secondly, trust your inner guidance, which is really important. I recommend everyone does meditation regularly so that they can use that time to connect with their guides. It’s a perfect time when the guides can come in, when the mind is more calm, and reach you. The inner guidance is going to help you make the right decisions too, so it will help you steer away from people who are not right for you and find the right person for you.


Divinely Orchestrated

I do feel that a lot of the partnerships coming together recently, the people couldn’t have not met – it is so obvious that they were brought together through situations to come into each other’s presence and feel the energy and then they knew it could not stop. This energy is puzzling to a lot of people – people can be in relationships already and then this energy felt is very different, and they’re confused like, “what do I do?” – it was unexpected, but at a higher level it is all part of the plan.


Ascended Masters Help Too

What happens on this path is that the guides will be helping you, but also ascended masters will come in at different times to help you to grow, to move out of different programming and beliefs, and to help you come to your full potential. Mother Mary is one of those ascendant masters who works with the Divine Feminine.



Practice Patience & Gratitude

I’m now using Mary, Queen of Angels oracle and as I’m shuffling, I am asking “what can you tell us from this deck?” I’m hearing “patience” – having patience for this process to unfold is really important. This card says: “Blessings: Today I count my blessings, small and large, and I notice the new gifts that come to me from God”. That’s really about gratitude – I feel like the gratitude part of this equation is going to help power you through it. It’s actually going to help you bring things to you because that vibrational shift that you have is really appreciating the beautiful things and then that feeling in you is going to attract more of that. Some people practice gratitude every day and they keep a gratitude journal.


Prayer & Intention

The next card is “Prayer: Instead of worrying, I pray about this situation to bring about real solutions”. The key here is “instead of worrying I pray” – and prayer doesn’t have to be religious, it can be a request to the Divine. If you can put into words what you truly, truly desire, that is forming an intention, and then express that and keep the focus on that – don’t get distracted. Part of the equation, again, is believing that you can receive that, so if we go back to the beginning of the video where I was talking about self-worth, self-love, self-esteem – working on all of those things will help you manifest the love relationships that you want.



Feel in Your Heart

The Star Team are telling me about feeling in your heart, coming into your heart, out of the mind and into the heart. Feel the bottled feelings of past relationships and let them out, let them go. Feel everything and don’t disconnect the head and the heart – feel, feel, feel. It’s really important, especially when we talk about self-love, we want to really be able to feel our feelings instead of disconnecting to avoid feeling them [read my blog I Feel It All].


Perseverance on the Path

Now I’m using the Soul’s Journey oracle and this card has come out: “Discipline: I can accomplish what I set my mind to”. This is about perseverance, you need to keep going with the intention you’ve set – a lot of people give up just before it’s about to be fulfilled. Also, it’s about continuing with this growth and not just shelving it and saying “I don’t want to do it”. Know that every time you do healing work on yourself it’s going to help you feel better in your daily life.



End Codependency

The “Blame” card has come out – this is interesting, this came up yesterday when I was doing an energy reading about the March full moon in Libra – partnerships! (watch here). I feel like this current period of ascension, we are letting go of the low vibration act of blaming others, and instead taking responsibility for our part in whatever’s happened. The card says: “I accept responsibility for my well-being” – it’s also about looking after yourself and not looking to the partner to look after you, rather “I am capable of looking after myself”. Codependency is something we can leave behind. I don’t think people consciously want to be in a codependent relationship but it can happen because of childhood wounding, so we need to become aware of that and work our way out of it. You can possibly change the dynamic of the relationship but you need to work on yourself to do that.


Triggers & Mirroring

When these Divine partners come together, they do trigger each other and this is to speed up the spiritual growth. So if you notice the triggering is happening or there’s mirroring or other stuff, it’s not like you need to throw the relationship out. (Of course, you’ve got to check whether it’s abusive or not.) It’s about looking at what needs to be healed within you, or at least a light shine on it, and then the next time you get triggered you may not react so badly or you may recognise it and say: “Ah! That’s a childhood wound rearing its head, I won’t react.”


Healing in Relationship

These Divine partnerships help you to grow in a much faster way, so often there is downtime as each individual works on themselves. The magnetism of the energy connection brings them back together. If the magnetism doesn’t bring them back together, the partnership falls apart naturally and each goes on their way. So there’s an element of trusting the whole system and not attaching to something with fear of loss, but just moving with the flow and letting it unfold.


You’re always working on your own path, working on yourself, coming into spiritual alignment with your higher self and authenticity.


Adopting a Higher Perspective

Now I’m using Whispers Of Love oracle cards, which have guidance for working on yourself in the context of love, self-love and romantic love. The first card is “Practice Compassion: See things from a fresh perspective”. Often in these high consciousness relationships you are asked to see things from a new perspective, in a different way to previous relationships, because it’s a different ballgame.


Forgiveness is a Necessity

This card is “Forgiveness: Nothing is gained by holding on to past disappointments”. It’s about letting go of previous relationships or even just parts of a current relationship where you’ve held on to emotions. Forgiveness is about clearing your energy. It’s not that you have to accept bad behaviour from people, but it’s about respecting your own energy body and knowing that what you attract is going to be affected by your energy field, so it’s in your own interest to do the forgiveness work.



Sacred Love

Ah! I was waiting for this card to come out – this card is beautiful – “The Union of Hearts: A love connection defies explanation”. That’s what we’re talking about! Often when I have a session with a client, they can’t explain the connection with someone and come to me for help in understanding it. It does defy explanation and there are terms, as I was saying, like “sacred partnership” or “Divine partnership”. I even hesitate to say those and I just say each connection is individual and unique and it’s up to you to find out what it is, and to keep an open mind and let spirit guide you.


Love Heals

This card says “Love Makes the Difference: Love helps heal past hurts and provides a sense of security and self-worth”. When you are remembering a partner from a previous life and you’re meeting them again in this life, there is instant love there. It’s an interesting feeling, it’s like “I’ve always known you, but I’ve only just met you” – it does awaken a whole level of love that you haven’t really experienced before.


Choose Love

So let’s see is there anything for the individual to work on… what would we work on right now? “Choose Love: You always have a choice, make yours with love.” Choosing to love instead of choosing to fear. We always have a choice of love or fear and how we respond to things or how we see situations. Look for the love in the situation. If you are starting from a place of fear, just move into the love. Try to be aware of your thoughts and aware of your reactions before you speak them.


True Expansive Love

Last card from this deck: “True Love: This love is once in a lifetime”. Again, talking about that quality of connection that is felt in these partnerships, which is quite different. I don’t want to put this on a pedestal, because I don’t think it should be, but it’s more about clearing your system so that you can feel that love. Because you’ve cleared out all the hurt and the pain, you’ve worked on your self-love, your self-esteem and you know you deserve it, then you can bring in another person who has done the same work. Feeling that love being expressed fully energetically is quite different to traditional relationships.




Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine 

This next oracle deck is the True Love Reading Cards and I like this one because it has the Divine masculine, Divine feminine and the distorted masculine and distorted feminine. So the difference is that we’re aiming to be Divine and not distorted! Distorted is a way of saying we’re not quite healed, we’ve still got programs running, conditioning etc. (If you’re wondering whether you are feminine or masculine, it is whatever energy is primarily dominant within you – we have both.)


The “Soulmates” card just came out – often people know the term soulmates and feel the Divine partnership is like a soulmate connection. That’s something that helps you recognise it’s a different kind of relationship.


Abundance Consciousness

The last card for this reading is “Abundance” – I made a video about that (watch here), it’s one of the things we’re working on right now, coming into the consciousness of abundance, which I feel is a necessity for being in complete Divine feminine or Divine masculine energy. Letting go of lack consciousness, coming into abundance consciousness, knowing that you deserve it, you’re worthy of it, and you can just let it come to you.


I’ve got a nice comment here from Onespacelove Podcast: “Beautiful cards in alignment with your messages, unconditional love”. Yes, it’s all about unconditional love and self-love – I mean if I said anything about this, it would be work on self-love, that’s the number one thing to do!


Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth, Videos
I am a psychic medium healer and spiritual teacher and share my gifts and experience in guidance videos and energy reports on YouTube.

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Fridays 8PM AEDT – Angel Messages

I am an Angel Communicator & Healer and in this livestream offer a space to call in the angels for healing and guidance. We chat, talk angel therapy and I offer mini angel readings by donation (buymeacoffee). This is a more chatty and interactive livestream where I hope to create a community of likeminded people. 

Sundays 8PM AEDT – Divine Messages
I channel higher dimensional guidance from my Star Team for the newly awakened, spiritual seekers, lightworkers and starseeds. Topics vary depending on what my guides want to share.