Enmore, Sydney, Australia 10am-5.30pm 0416 341 139
Intuitive Studies, Soul Growth
Try these easy yoga breathing practices to quiet your mind, calm your body and connect with your intuition.

I am a 500-hour qualified yoga teacher and have been teaching gentle hatha yoga since 2006. Yoga breathing, known as pranayama, has always been a wonderful discovery for my yoga students both young and old, as it is often easier than meditation and creates a calm feeling.

mentoring intuition & psychic gifts

Why practice yoga breathing?



Pranayama is a sanskrit word meaning control of the breath and the prana, ie the energy, it contains. When followed correctly, pranayama practices can move the energy around your body and balance it for optimum health.



The yoga breathing techniques I share below can calm a busy, stressed or anxious mind. You can do them anywhere, anytime. Children and adults can use these breathing practices.



The yoga breathing techniques offered here are an easy way to slow down your thoughts, so it’s a great way to prepare for your meditation practice. A breathing practice may help you quickly go deep into stillness during meditation. 


If you’re looking to develop your psychic abilities or intuition, yoga breathing practices can help you quiet and focus your mind to be in a receptive mode. Intuition is all about receiving! Read my blog about meditation for intuition.



Body aches and pains from strong ascension energies such as incoming light codes and solar flares can be eased by the belly breath practice I share below. I particularly recommend this practice when you are receiving personal ascension activations, upgrades or healings from your guides – breathing deeply lets your body relax and accept what is happening. Read my blogs about ascension.



How yoga breathing works



We can easily use the breath to calm our mind and body by taking deep and long breaths. Remember:

Slow, long breaths are calming

Fast, short breaths create anxiety


Our mind can also create a sense of calm or a sense of anxiety through our quality of thinking, that’s why mindfulness meditation is helpful.



Breathing deeply brings more oxygen into the body for healthy functioning. With a deep breath you can get 7 more times oxygen than with a shallow breath!


Most people breathe shallow and it can take some effort to breathe deeply – if this is you, just practice and it will soon become natural.



Yoga breathing requires you to focus your attention on the breath and not let your mind get distracted by thoughts or external noises. This has the effect of bringing your mind to more stillness or a “quiet” place.



4 basic yoga breathing practices


While you can do pranayama anywhere, a quiet place with a calm atmosphere will help you relax more.


Sit up straight so you can breathe deeply and the lungs can expand fully.



Sigh Breath

The simplest calming breath is to focus on breathing in deeply and sighing the air out. Try to breathe in through the nose unless you have a blocked nose.


Snake Breath

Breathe deeply in through the nose and breath out through the mouth to make a ssssssssssss sound with your tongue.


Humming Bee Breath

Close your eyes, press your thumbs on the flaps of your ears to shut out external noise.


Breathe in deeply through the nose, breath out with a closed mouth and hum like a bee.


Practice for 1-3 minutes. Keep your eyes closed and notice the feeling.



Belly Breathing

Lie on your back. More comfortable for your back: bend your legs, feet on the floor, knees resting on each other.


Place your hands on your belly. Breathe deeply through your nose into the base of your belly in a slow and measured way – don’t rush this!


As the lungs fill with air the belly naturally rises. As you slowly breath out all the air the belly naturally falls.


Focus your mind on the movement of the breath and the feeling of your hands rising and falling with the belly.


Note: You may like to place one hand on your heart, the other hand on your belly.


Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth
The current ascension energies are supporting heart chakra clearing and heart awakening (opening) for the collective.

On the night of Easter Sunday I heard an insistent song message in my head: “clear the way, clear the way”. The lyrics are from a kirtan song about Ganesha, the Hindu elephant god who removes obstacles on the spiritual path (read my blog about him).


That same morning I woke up with similar lyrics looping in my head: “it’s falling away, it’s falling away” – an Alex Lloyd song called Gender, which talks about societal conformity. Okay, so my spirit guides were wanting to tell me something!

past life regression therapy

I tuned in to receive the message my Star Team had been hinting at all day: our hearts are having a big energetic clearing and fear is falling away. I pulled cards from two different oracle decks and both cards had pictures of creatures with wings lifted for take-off – a hummingbird representing joy and a unicorn representing emotional freedom (see images below). This feeling of freedom is around the corner for many of us who are having our hearts open wider as old emotions, beliefs and unhelpful energy imprints are cleared.



A few days later I sat in a park enjoying the morning sun and noticed two teenaged brothers sitting on a bench nearby. I watched them get up and the eldest assist the younger boy, then they linked elbows and walked off. Just this simple act of love between brothers had me crying behind my sunglasses.


As people walked by I was hearing from my Star Team that we all need human connection – we are wired for physical touch, that the separation that Covid19 brought into our communities needs to be restored and we need to open our hearts again, and let go of any fear.


I was surprised by my sudden tears, but it made sense the next day when I became aware of my heart undergoing energy healing – this time without any effort of my own, assisted by my guides and angels. All I had to do was let it happen.



I had a similar experience of ascension symptoms last September, which I called an expansion of the heart and a clearing of painful emotions to allow for self-worth – read the blog. Heart awakening for most of us does not seem to be achieved in one go. I’ve had many heart-opening experiences over the years and each time I go through this kind of “tune-up”, my vibration shifts upwards – it’s absolutely palpable, both in how I feel and how I react to the world – my perception shifts too.


My rising vibration also means that I no longer align with some people. I’ve learned over many years to let this be and not allow emotional attachments to keep me stuck in a loop. Sometimes those friends shift in vibration later and we come back into alignment, but often it’s a case of new friendships coming in at a higher frequency. So don’t despair if this is happening to you – just let everything unfold naturally.


I truly marvel at the process of heart awakening – it is gentle and nurturing, timed perfectly with an individual’s unique soul growth. From my own experience, I can tell you that the guidance I receive from my Star Team helps me to make the most of the ascension energies and to stay on track in my spiritual development. For example, during our winter months of lockdown I was personally guided to do intensive forgiveness work and to release emotions that had been suppressed, then a couple of months later the heart expansion came and I was ready for it.



Currently the guidance coming through for many of my clients is around self-love. In one intuitive guidance session I was shown an image in my mind of a body with cracks down the centre with the glowing Divine light shining outwards. The guides were telling us that self-love is already within us – it’s just waiting to be felt. This client was asked to do her forgiveness work and heart healing to reveal that self-love which would be very important for her going forward in her Divine mission.


In 2019 I wrote a blog about self-love when my guides used the Whitney Houston song, Greatest Love Of All to convey an important message: “Because the greatest love of all is happening to me / I found the greatest love of all inside of me / The greatest love of all is easy to achieve / Learning to love yourself it is the greatest love of all”.


One of the biggest lessons of life, if not the biggest lesson, is to learn to love yourself. I feel that we’d be a lot happier and kinder to each other if we had healthy self-love. And this is where we are headed!


In December 2019 I was very excited to channel a clear and strong message about our transcendence into the love frequency. As I type this, I’m hearing that despite the difficulties of Covid19 last year, we did well in preparing for this frequency upgrade. If anything, we have become more resilient!


Certainly, people awakened during Covid19 lockdowns around the world. And my blog posts about ascension symptoms are some of the most popular on my website. So many of us are seeking answers to what is happening at both a personal and a grander scale. Ascension is an interesting topic and is constantly changing. I am grateful to have guides who inform me of what’s happening with the energy, so that I can share that guidance with you.



Ascension energies can be very strong and overwhelming for the body, however self-care practices can reduce the side effects. Try these ideas:


  • Drink filtered water and more than usual during strong energies (you may notice you are more thirsty)
  • Intuitively observe required dietary changes (read my blog about ascension dietary changes)
  • Practice meditation and yoga nidra relaxation
  • Spend time in nature to ground your energy
  • Sleep when you need to, as you may be more tired
  • Take a bath with Epsom salts to clear your energy field
  • Belly breathing and other pranayama practices from yoga (read my blog about yoga breathing)
  • Energy healing to clear and balance your energy body – check out my sessions

Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth, Videos
I am a psychic medium healer and spiritual teacher and share my gifts and experience in guidance videos and energy reports on YouTube.

I offer a mix of livestream and pre-recorded guidance videos on my YouTube channel (click here), including three series of videos (listed below), plus timely ascension energy videos that I am guided to share. Please subscribe to my channel – you will be notified of new videos and planned livestreams.

Support my YouTube Channel
It helps enormously when you subscribe and “like” and comment on my videos, as then YouTube will show it to more viewers.
You can help support the cost of making these videos at buymeacoffee/merkabamolly (or tap on the purple coffee cup, bottom left)

Wednesdays 11AM AEDT – Spiritual Chat
I answer your questions about spirituality, including awakening, ascension, healing, angels, starseeds, yoga, meditation, intuition, reincarnation, energy healing, being an empath and more. Plus, spiritual wisdom that my guides share with me. You can send me your question in advance using the contact form

Fridays 8PM AEDT – Angel Messages

I am an Angel Communicator & Healer and in this livestream offer a space to call in the angels for healing and guidance. We chat, talk angel therapy and I offer mini angel readings by donation (buymeacoffee). This is a more chatty and interactive livestream where I hope to create a community of likeminded people. 

Sundays 8PM AEDT – Divine Messages
I channel higher dimensional guidance from my Star Team for the newly awakened, spiritual seekers, lightworkers and starseeds. Topics vary depending on what my guides want to share.


Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth
This is an ascension energy report for the New Year of 2021: my Star Team advise of rainbow light for our crystalline energy body, self-care and the need to gather in physical groups again.


The ascension energy currently coming in both supports us and uplifts us, changing our DNA structure and awakening gifts that were previously held in other realms and times on earth. What you can expect is fluctuation in your energy as the incoming energies integrate.


Rest and relaxation, epsom salt baths, meditation, hammock time, restorative yoga and anything that allows you to deeply relax in a healthy way is recommended for you right now as a means of supporting this inner growth. You are being supported by your guardian angels, so please do not worry, just be present and accept the gifts as they come in.


Also, create your own temple of reflection and peace, a shelter from the windstorm that is man-made and will grow stronger as resolution comes into place. Retreat from external influences, cultivate your own inner peace – create a golden time of solitude and don’t let anyone rain on your parade!


Now I am being guided to tell you about rainbow light, to wrap yourselves in rainbows, metaphorically, through visualisation. It connects with the crystalline structure in the body that we are moving towards gradually through the ascension process. Do embrace the concept of rainbows as an energy that you can access for your own wellbeing.


Next message is about togetherness – I see groups of people will be coming together as their vibrations pull them towards each other. This is a natural occurrence, of how the groups form, but at a soul level there were already agreements in place. Now that we are at higher vibrations we can finally find each other to collaborate. Let this happen, I am hearing, no need to force or control how it eventuates.


Now to children, we need to nurture them and their imagination as much as possible. This creativity inherent in children is needed for future generations. Encourage digital detox, provide them with the tools they need to be creative. No criticism, just fostering creativity through holding space.


Energy healing at this time can be very beneficial for all of us – a supportive modality that can help your energy body balance, clear and integrate energies for spiritual, emotional and physical health (have a look at my offering).


Intuitive Studies, My Story
I am a Psychic Medium Energy Healer: I channel angels and master healers to perform energy healing, including psychic surgery, removing energetic blocks, balancing the chakras and more. How I found my calling as an energy healer is a funny story that began with winning a Reiki competition, as I explain…


Back in the early 2000’s I knew nothing about energy healers but had started my yoga journey and become interested in alternative therapies. I saw a story in the newspaper about Reiki and searched for a course. I found a competition to win a Usui Reiki level 1 course with the International House of Reiki in Newtown.


Serendipitously I won and discovered how magical working with energy is. Yoga had brought about my spiritual awakening, while Reiki took my perspective of spirituality to new and expanded heights! I had a will to keep going and completed Reiki level 2. I became quite dedicated to the Reiki self-practice, meditating for more than an hour a day.


In that same year I read a newspaper story about Qi Gong and asked my Reiki Master if he knew of a teacher – to my surprise he told me of a teacher who used his Reiki room on Tuesday nights! I started Qi Gong classes with Li Ying, a teacher from China who learned the healing practice from her grandmother.


This Qi Gong class was nothing like I’d experienced before – the energy in the room was very strong and carried me into places I’d never been in this dimension or realm. I learned that Li Ying worked with dragon energy and enabled us students to “hook up” to it. I anticipated each class, as we delved deep into meditation and learned practices for self-healing and healing others.


I was leaving class in a pretty foul mood every week, I was releasing so many old emotions, a lot of fear, and I was stomping it out of my feet as I walked home. One day Li Ying told me that the cloud around my energy had gone and I felt it had too. It was many years of disciplined practice and it finally worked.


This change was not superficial – I had changed at my core being and become more fearless, compassionate and confident of myself. And Li Ying had taught me a very important lesson: to listen to my heart.


I attended her classes and courses for 10 years until her passing to the other side. With hindsight, I had been cultivating my sensitivity to energy – training that an energy healer needs to work intuitively. That is, I can feel different types of energy in a client’s light body and know what needs to be removed. 


Reiki was still a part of my practice and I continued attending the school’s weekly share night to practice as an energy healer. At one share night we had a visitor from New Zealand who was a Reiki student and dropped in just for this one occasion.


That day I had been working at a magazine for cool “hip” people. My career in magazines saw me work as a writer, sub-editor and editor at many different titles and workplaces and I was very experienced and adaptable. But on this day I was full of self-doubt. The editor I was working for was not giving me much feedback, I started doubting my work and it triggered a reinforcement of the limiting belief “I’m not good enough” (just about everyone has this belief). I left the office feeling absolutely distraught.


So at the share class, when it was my turn to receive Reiki, about four of my classmates and the New Zealander began directing energy to me. It worked wonders – if only to quiet my out-of-control mind (since then I’ve learned Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy). Afterwards, the visitor pulled me aside and said that an angel had a message for me. She told me to call on the angels when I went to bed that night.


I hadn’t much knowledge of the angels at this point – I was raised without religion and my spiritual path had begun with yoga. Nevertheless, I took her advice and asked the angels to come to me. I was half asleep when I became aware of energy moving around my body and a vision in my third eye of emerald green fireworks. Archangel Raphael had come! Through this wonderful angel experience I had a newfound interest and learned as much as I could through Doreen Virtue’s books, oracle decks and meditations.


Now that I had learned about angels, it was perfect kismet to meet a psychic medium and energy healer who worked with angels. I attended her angel healing courses and found that I was a natural, or rather, I was remembering what my soul had known all along!


In the first workshop I did with her, we were lying down with our eyes closed and she called on any angels in the highest light to come visit us. Moments later there was a flashlight straight over my third eye – I opened my eyes to see who was there – no-one! I closed my eyes and the light was there again! The teacher told us she saw a very big angel in the centre of our circle and she was absolutely beautiful.


In 2012 I began offering energy healing sessions but didn’t advertise them as angel healings. My clients would tell me of the angel experiences they had while I was working on them. One woman saw Archangel Gabriel in her third eye, others would describe the colours of the energy, or they would hear or just know the name of the angel present. The angels who turned up at each healing were not my choice, they just appeared for the need that the client had – whoever was the best fit for the job.


I was amazed that all these “regular” people coming to me for sessions were open to accepting angels. Some had religious backgrounds and were already primed on the archangels, while many others were not; it did not matter, as the energy spoke for itself. And I learned that I did not need to keep it quiet that I was channelling angel energy, and that if anything, part of my work here is to help make this practice “normal”.


Energy healing with angels is very different to my experience of Reiki. For this style of energy work, I simply open myself to the angels and they direct my hands, show me which parts of the body to work on, give me psychic insights for the client and deliver incredibly strong energy. Clients can be quite “shaken” for some time after a session – it may take weeks to integrate the changes.


Not long after I began my work as an energy healer, I attended the Angel Intuitive Course, which was presented by Doreen Virtue’s son, Charles Virtue. It was here that my abilities as a psychic medium became fully present. I was giving angel guidance readings and getting confirmation on accuracy. Even years later one of the other students contacted me to tell me that what I had seen for her came true.


Now I understand my life purpose fully as a channel of guidance and healing. Over the years I have channelled master healers alongside archangels and star beings – the healing support that is available to us is immense and powerful! Now I step aside and let spirit guide the energy sessions. I can look back at my path to becoming an energy healer and understand how each class, course, teacher and practice has helped me to become the Divine channel that I am today – nothing is by chance!


Ascension Energy Reports, My Story
Ascension upgrades to the third eye chakra boost clairvoyance. I share my personal experience of third eye activation and the ascension symptoms.


Early in October my Star Team advised me that my clairvoyant gifts would receive an ascension upgrade and suggested that I retreat (a la hermit) to support and nurture myself while this happened.

I didn’t think of that message again until mid-October, when during several days I felt an odd sensation that was much like ants walking around on my scalp. I even checked if some insect had found its way into my hair – nope! It seemed like my hair was vibrating near the crown of my head, towards the back.

On the second occasion of this strange feeling, I asked my guides what was going on and immediately received the message that it was an activation of the third eye chakra.

I also had shooting pain in my forehead for about a minute – it hurt so bad that I asked my guides to reduce whatever was happening and the pain quickly stopped.

I’d like to note that back in 2011-2013 my third eye was like a throbbing heart – I could physically feel it. You may experience something like this at the beginning of your third eye activations.


Exactly one week later I experienced vertigo – it came out of nowhere, all of a sudden – unfortunately I had just stepped out the door to take my dog for a walk. I felt very off-balance and walking was difficult (made even more challenging by my dog pulling me).

If this happens to you and vertigo strikes – lie down and don’t move! If you’ve experienced ascension symptoms before, you learn to rest and let them happen – don’t feel guilty about lying down and doing nothing.



A few days later I was sitting at my desk, between client sessions, and instinctively raised my arms up towards the ceiling – I felt energy flowing down through my crown chakra. I noticed my breathing had become so easy and free, it was different and hard to describe – this was over within a minute.

The next two days or so I had ringing in the ears – I would describe this like when you lose hearing in one ear for a very short time, say 30 seconds, and then hear full sound again. It can mean that your light body is shifting to a higher frequency.

A few of my friends also experienced these symptoms on the same days, which is so helpful for me, as we can share our stories and not feel alone.


Now that we are in November, you may ask have my clairvoyant gifts been boosted? Yes, in fact all of my gifts feel heightened now. Of course, I have been on this spiritual path for more than 20 years and can remember several periods when great leaps and bounds occurred in remembering my gifts.

The past few years have been especially fruitful in this way, and I know that many people are discovering their spiritual side at a much fast rate than we used to.

Please note, you may experience experiences like these at any time – on your own or within a collective group. We receive both personal and collective ascension upgrades. Remember that your soul has a path of its own and everything unfolds at the right time.

Spiritual ascension is happening in waves, meaning different groups of the collective go through stages at different times. My advice is just to be open to what is available to you.



Ascension energies can be very strong and overwhelming for the body, however self-care practices can reduce the side effects. Try these ideas:


  • Drink filtered water and more than usual during strong energies (you may notice you are more thirsty)
  • Intuitively observe required dietary changes (read my blog about ascension dietary changes)
  • Practice meditation and yoga nidra relaxation
  • Spend time in nature to ground your energy
  • Sleep when you need to, as you may be more tired
  • Take a bath with Epsom salts to clear your energy field
  • Belly breathing and other pranayama practices from yoga (read my blog about yoga breathing)

My Story, Sacred Partnerships
Get into vibrational alignment with Divine love and bring your sacred union, divine partnership or conscious love relationship to fruition.

In early 2019 I was given a vision of sacred union partnerships lighting up a grid network on earth – it looked much like a telecommunications map of the world – each couple would emit a love vibration so strong that everyone nearby would have their own vibrations raised – I was being guided to shine my light like a beacon. My guides have given me the teachings described below, which can also be applied for soul growth and harmonious relationships in general.




  1. Release negativity
    Dig up any resentments, anger and unhealed emotions, especially about previous relationships, your Divine counterpart and this often difficult journey. Forgive so that you may move forward (see my post). Do the healing to bring yourself into balance – journalling is helpful to identify what needs to be addressed within.
  2. Boost self-worth
    Value who you are, inside and out. Truly understand that you are enough to have what you desire: like attracts like. And know in your heart and mind that you deserve love, repeat the mantra: “I am loving, I am loved, I am lovable.”
  3. Focus on love
    Bring love into your life by expressing your love everywhere. Start with self-love, accepting who you are completely and unconditionally – this will help you to feel unconditional love for family and friends, and for this life. Make this a daily practice and keep your focus on love. (We are all ascending to the love frequency, click here for my channelling on this.)
  4. Work through fears
    You may have deep-seated, hidden fears about being in a committed relationship. Maybe you don’t feel you deserve love (see “Boost self-worth”) or perhaps you have abandonment wounds (research attachment styles, I recommend Thais Gibson on YouTube). Also, what I have discovered is that you can do loads of personal development work yet still that abandonment wound persists – it is past-life trauma that needs to be cleared via energy sessions (see my energy healing offerings).
  5. Manifest
    Keep your thoughts focused on your desires, rather than your worries and fears. My guides kept on my tail to learn the Law of Attraction techniques and led me to read Ask and It Is Given by Esther Hicks. Manifestation is the way of BEing in higher dimensions. Learn it and practice it now! (watch my video here)
  6. Practice gratitude
    Being grateful for what you have puts you into a feel-good vibration. Manifestation is very much based on vibration or frequency. You don’t need much to do this practice, for example, be grateful for your hot showers, clear blue skies, fresh fruit and the sweet fragrance of flowers.
  7. Align with joy
    Much like focusing on love and gratitude, bring more joy into your life in whichever way that resonates with you. It might be spending time with fun friends, or watching rom-coms or stand-up comedy – whatever makes you laugh and radiate with joyfulness.
  8. Power of NOW
    Ruminating over the past or worrying about the future lowers your vibration. Being in the present moment is liberating! Learn mindfulness meditation and read my blog about why meditation is important for your psychic abilities.
  9. Surrender
    This is part letting go, part going with the flow, part trusting that the universe has your back and allowing your path to unfold. Anytime you feel like you are trying to control the outcome, remember to surrender. Esther Hicks and Abraham also teach the Law of Allowing – an important part of the manifestation teachings (my manifestation messages video and post may help you with this).
  10. Receive
    Ensure that you are open to receiving what is given and offered to you. Many of us are givers and will automatically reject things that come our way. 



The path of individuals within sacred union partnerships is not for the fainthearted – it is a journey of huge transformation and growth, a part of the Divine spiritual ascension. The archangels have a big role in this, protecting and guiding each counterpart towards inner and outer sacred union, as my channelling here explains.

“Archangel Michael is assisting Divine counterparts in progressing towards reunion, intimacy and partnerships. He is also assisting in the integration of ascension energies and heralding a new way forward for those who are open to his help.
Calling Archangel Michael to come to you and asking for support, healing and assistance is all you have to do. Then wait for guidance, signs or significant dreams to come to you with information regarding your situation. The most important factors in this is to trust and to believe.
Stay in high vibration to attract a high vibration partnership; worrying and negativity lower your vibration – this is the Law of Attraction. Manifestation is key to the new world order. Love is the frequency to focus on and grow in your own life – it is as simple as that.
Dropping old ways of thinking and behaving is a result of rising vibrations; the wayshowers are demonstrating this and others will follow as they learn of the potency of this way of being.”

Intuitive Studies, Soul Growth


I invite you to join my spiritual circle: an online meeting in which you may connect with the higher dimensions.

This spiritual circle offers support for those on the ascension path: the newly awakened, spiritual seekers, lightworkers and starseeds, who want to develop their intuitive abilities, connect with angels and receive healing.

I provide the energetic space and activities to help you develop a strong connection with your inner guidance system, which is invaluable in navigating life. 

Activities include:

Relaxation & Meditation
– simple meditation that is easy to practice at home
– Yoga Nidra guided deep relaxation
– pranayama breathing techniques from yoga to relax and control movement of energy in body

Energy Work
– Qi Gong healing
– intuitive energy healing
– Angel Therapy healing
– clearing & shielding your energy

Intuitive Development
– learning how to connect and receive messages from guides, angels & higher dimensional lightbeings
– awakening to your intuitive gifts through a variety of practices such as automatic writing
– using tools such as oracle cards, pendulums and crystals

For more about my background, read about me

Info & Bookings
Wednesday 7pm-8.15pm AEDT (Australian time)
You will need the Zoom app on your device or computer.
Bookings at my shop

Intuitive Studies, My Story

When I was in my mid-20s I went into a gift shop full of eastern Indian things and was intuitively pulled towards the greeting cards. This card (pictured) of Ganesha caught my eye. I had a special feeling in my heart, a flicker of recognition that was unexplainable (take note of these feelings!).


I bought the card and displayed it on my bookshelf, not knowing anything about him. I had been attending yoga classes for a few years, but we had not learned about the Indian gods. About a year or so later I was working at a new magazine job and chatted with a workmate, a Hare Krishna devotee. She told me the elephant god was the remover of obstacles on the spiritual path.


I began calling on Ganesha to remove obstacles for me. Then, on my 30th birthday my parents gave me a Ganesha statue for my garden. They didn’t know of my fascination with this god, in fact I doubt they knew it was Ganesha but just a nice elephant statue.


When I look back at my life, I know he was with me in spirit, a part of the team that has guided me along my path. Over the past few years I began feeling his presence and now when he’s with me I see a picture of an elephant in my third eye. For example, recently I asked my guides to remove baggage from my previous career in magazines and Ganesha appeared. A week later I asked to release outdated programming and he came again.


Having this kind of support is invaluable – I feel guided, protected and loved by my spirit team. I suggest that you learn about the ascended masters and what they specialise in, then call on them for help. They are here to assist us and are just waiting for you to ask.


Ascension Energy Reports, My Story
Ascension light codes delivered heart chakra expansion for Divine Feminines and an important ascension upgrade in self-worth. I share my experience here…


Lion’s Gate Portal in 2020 was on 8 August and around this time ascension light codes began streaming down to our energy bodies, our merkabas, strongly for days (see my blog about this). It was not unusual, as over the past few years there have been many periods where the light codes come in very strong and then subside, giving our merkabas time to integrate and recalibrate to the higher frequencies – that’s why we often refer to them as “ascension upgrades”.


Nearly a week after Lion’s Gate, I experienced what I would call a heart expansion. I felt an extreme amount of energy entering my heart chakra, buzzing around, unsettled. It felt uncomfortable, so I lay down and placed my hands over my heart and calmed myself with energy healing and deep yogic breathing (see more below). I knew that I needed to be still to allow the process and help my physical body and my merkaba assimilate the changes.



Two weeks passed and I could sense my energy was feeling settled. I do energy healing on myself as part of my daily routine, so I notice changes when I have big energy shifts. As I tuned into my energy I saw golden waves in my third eye, and with my hands, I could feel the vibrations as very strong and joyful. I felt extreme gratitude for the upgrade.



A week later I was having a good day and then all of a sudden I felt extremely sad, painful energy in my heart. It came out of nowhere – completely unprovoked – and when I felt into it, I couldn’t pinpoint it to one event. It hurt so much that I was crying and I asked my guides and angels to take it away. 


The next day I heard from two of my friends, both also Divine Feminines, who had similar experiences at the same time as me. We knew we were not alone and that this was Divinely guided, happening on the eve of the full moon in Pisces, a sign known for its emotional side.



My guides tell me that this was to bring up old emotions from painful experiences, and beliefs that sabotage our self-worth – things like poor self-esteem and lack consciousness. For me, it brought to my attention the absolute need to cancel, clear and delete any thoughts leading to feelings of unworthiness. My guides want me to acknowledge my worthiness and keep it that way.


Ascension for each person is divinely timed and unique, so you may receive activations or upgrades like this at any time. I share this information to increase understanding among the community.


Know that this is all for the best and highest good, even though it may feel unpleasant at the time. And call on your guides and angels for help – they are already with you and waiting for you to ask!



Ascension energies can be very strong and overwhelming for the body, however self-care practices can reduce the side effects. Try these ideas:


  • Drink filtered water and more than usual during strong energies (you may notice you are more thirsty)
  • Intuitively observe required dietary changes (read my blog about ascension dietary changes)
  • Practice meditation and yoga nidra relaxation
  • Spend time in nature to ground your energy
  • Sleep when you need to, as you may be more tired
  • Take a bath with Epsom salts to clear your energy field
  • Belly breathing and other pranayama practices from yoga (read my blog about yoga breathing)