Ascension Energy Reports, My Story
Ascension light codes delivered heart chakra expansion for Divine Feminines and an important ascension upgrade in self-worth. I share my experience here…
Lion’s Gate Portal in 2020 was on 8 August and around this time ascension light codes began streaming down to our energy bodies, our merkabas, strongly for days (see my blog about this). It was not unusual, as over the past few years there have been many periods where the light codes come in very strong and then subside, giving our merkabas time to integrate and recalibrate to the higher frequencies – that’s why we often refer to them as “ascension upgrades”.
Nearly a week after Lion’s Gate, I experienced what I would call a heart expansion. I felt an extreme amount of energy entering my heart chakra, buzzing around, unsettled. It felt uncomfortable, so I lay down and placed my hands over my heart and calmed myself with energy healing and deep yogic breathing (see more below). I knew that I needed to be still to allow the process and help my physical body and my merkaba assimilate the changes.
Two weeks passed and I could sense my energy was feeling settled. I do energy healing on myself as part of my daily routine, so I notice changes when I have big energy shifts. As I tuned into my energy I saw golden waves in my third eye, and with my hands, I could feel the vibrations as very strong and joyful. I felt extreme gratitude for the upgrade.
A week later I was having a good day and then all of a sudden I felt extremely sad, painful energy in my heart. It came out of nowhere – completely unprovoked – and when I felt into it, I couldn’t pinpoint it to one event. It hurt so much that I was crying and I asked my guides and angels to take it away.
The next day I heard from two of my friends, both also Divine Feminines, who had similar experiences at the same time as me. We knew we were not alone and that this was Divinely guided, happening on the eve of the full moon in Pisces, a sign known for its emotional side.
My guides tell me that this was to bring up old emotions from painful experiences, and beliefs that sabotage our self-worth – things like poor self-esteem and lack consciousness. For me, it brought to my attention the absolute need to cancel, clear and delete any thoughts leading to feelings of unworthiness. My guides want me to acknowledge my worthiness and keep it that way.
Ascension for each person is divinely timed and unique, so you may receive activations or upgrades like this at any time. I share this information to increase understanding among the community.
Know that this is all for the best and highest good, even though it may feel unpleasant at the time. And call on your guides and angels for help – they are already with you and waiting for you to ask!
Ascension energies can be very strong and overwhelming for the body, however self-care practices can reduce the side effects. Try these ideas:
- Drink filtered water and more than usual during strong energies (you may notice you are more thirsty)
- Intuitively observe required dietary changes (read my blog about ascension dietary changes)
- Practice meditation and yoga nidra relaxation
- Spend time in nature to ground your energy
- Sleep when you need to, as you may be more tired
- Take a bath with Epsom salts to clear your energy field
- Belly breathing and other pranayama practices from yoga (read my blog about yoga breathing)
Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth
Got aches and pains and think it might be ascension symptoms? You could be right! I share my experience with crippling hip and back pain that disappeared the next day.

Back in May I was hanging out at home, getting used to hermitage (what others were calling quarantine). I was walking my dog every day but missing out on the incidental exercise I’d usually get.
One day I felt a dull pain around my abdomen. Later the pain moved to the right side of my hip and sacrum (that flat bony bit near the bottom of your spine). The pain grew so much that bending over or sitting down on the floor gave me killer pain.
I did some gentle yoga to open my hips and stretch my hamstrings, as I am no stranger to tight hips and know what usually works to relieve pain like this. It didn’t work. My mind started going down a path of thinking about booking an appointment with my osteopath and all the work that would be needed to bring my body back to wellbeing. I was also blaming myself for not exercising enough. I truly felt like an old lady (no offence to old ladies…)
The next day I woke up and the pain had completely gone. I told a friend what had happened and she told me she experienced similar pain in the same part of her body at the same time. We realised that it was an ascension symptom.
If you haven’t heard about ascension, it’s basically upgrades to the earth’s energy grid and upgrades to our personal energy fields, the merkaba light body. From my experience, I understand that each person on the ascension path also gets assistance for their unique needs – we’ve all had different life events and traumas, for example. One thing to note is that ascension is not happening to everyone at once, it’s being rolled out.
Ultimately each person’s merkaba is in balance: feminine and masculine, left and right, yin and yang. In my qi gong and yoga training, I was taught that our energy body has two main channels, the left being feminine, the right being masculine. So when I was feeling that killer pain on my right side, energy was working it’s way out for my masculine side to be clear of any obstructions. I’m sure there was even more to this experience, beyond my understanding.
Jump forward to this week, mid-August, and I’m feeling pain around my sacrum on the left side – the feminine side. Just going for a walk is a struggle as I feel pain with each step I take. This time I’m not so quick to think about booking an appointment with my osteopath. No doubt some gentle yoga will be helpful to move energy around my body. I’m going to wait and see how this pans out before I judge it. And yes, my friend had this pain too – we are ascension buddies!
Ascension symptoms may show up in many different ways – some people report heart palpitations, headaches, dizziness and digestive issues. The tricky bit is working out whether it’s a regular day to day health issue or an ascension symptom.
Ascension energies can be very strong and overwhelming for the body, however self-care practices can reduce the side effects. Try these ideas:
- Drink filtered water and more than usual during strong energies (you may notice you are more thirsty)
- Intuitively observe required dietary changes (read my blog about ascension dietary changes)
- Practice meditation and yoga nidra relaxation
- Spend time in nature to ground your energy
- Sleep when you need to, as you may be more tired
- Take a bath with Epsom salts to clear your energy field
- Belly breathing and other pranayama practices from yoga (read my blog about yoga breathing)
My Story, Soul Growth
As a psychic medium and angel communicator, I have learned that following my guides suggestions tends to work in mysterious ways. Here I share a funny story of how I was invited to appear on Soulogy Soulspeaks 5D.
One rainy Sunday at the start of July I was sitting on my couch and thought to myself, how shall I promote my work as a psychic medium and energy healer? I went to Google and started typing. I looked at the computer screen and saw that I had automatically typed ‘how to publish your story’.
I am a Divine channel and one way I do this is by writing, so I wasn’t that surprised my typing wasn’t what I intended but a message from my guides.
This message about writing my story is not a new one – I’ve been receiving this guidance for years, however I was getting the feeling that NOW is the time to do this.
I was being asked to share stories about my spiritual path as teachings of shared experiences. This would help many people who are waking up to spirituality right now.
So over the next few days I began thinking about how I would format my writings. Then one morning I was in a queue at the supermarket and the woman in front of me had a tattoo on her shoulders: “Maybe it’s not about the happy ending. Maybe it’s about the story.” Another prompt! That afternoon I sat down at the computer and started writing.
I began typing my journal entries from the past year. I thought this would be a good way to collate my stories on the computer. What happened, though, is that I relived experiences and this brought up heavy emotions. I closed my laptop and paid attention to these feelings.
A week passed by and I was inspired to write a blog post about my throat chakra healing, which occurred in the most peculiar way (read it here). I shared this blog on my social media and posted it in the Soulogy Facebook group, thinking someone there might be interested.
Next day I was guided to write about my feelings. I wrote a blog about my emotions rising up from typing my journal (read it here) and again shared it in the Soulogy group.
On the third day I got an email from Soulogy inviting me to be a guest on Soulspeaks 5D. I was in shock! I had never expected or thought that would happen – I was just following my inner guidance without any expectation of what would result.
I was feeling nervous about this opportunity and checked in with my guides. They were pushing me forward, telling me to be my authentic self, to share myself as the spiritual teacher that I am. I decided I would do the show and be as authentic as possible.
A couple of weeks later I appeared on Soulspeaks 5D show, which was broadcast live on YouTube and Facebook. I talked about my spiritual path and the more I talked, the more my throat chakra opened. I watched the replay and could see myself touching my throat often during the hour. One viewer commented she could see my throat chakra opening.
I’ll be honest, I was very nervous and it took me quite some time to calm down afterwards. I had stepped out of my comfort zone, which was uncomfortable, but that is where the growth can be found. It helps that the response from viewers was affirming – my story resonated and they were fully supportive and thankful for my appearance on the show.
Now I look back and thank my guides for pushing me forward. And how funny is it that the first blog post I shared to the Soulogy group was about my throat chakra healing? I guess it was all part of the Divine plan.
Another plus is that just before the show my spirit team revealed to me their new name: the Star Team. At first I realised the galactic reference, but it was only later that I got the full joke – they are now stars because we’ve been on YouTube together!
Watch my appearance on Soulogy Soulspeaks 5D on YouTube
My Story, Soul Growth
Since June I have been waking up each morning remembering dreams that are simply yuck. Revisiting the traumas of past relationships – it’s much like the story of Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol.
I had several short-term relationships in my twenties and then a couple of longer ones in my thirties to now, so there’s a big cast of exes and they show up randomly. Sometimes the face of one matches the story of another – it’s not so much about them but the repeating relationship dynamics.
I know what is happening – my guides are schooling me at night – making sure I shine a light on the dark corners of my psyche. Each dream has a strong message about what needs to be let go of. I am being asked to forgive and learn from the past, and not fear that similar things will happen again.
Next my guides repeatedly asked me to write my story and share it for others to learn. As a journalist and editor, I knew where to start: I began typing up my journal. On day three, the emotions came up thick and fast.
There was anger, heartbreak, sadness and disappointment – altogether it was a heavy burden that needed to be released. I went for a walk to get some fresh air and received a beautiful song message, Elton John’s “I guess that’s why they call it the blues”. One part of the lyrics stood out:
Don’t wish it away
Don’t look at it like it’s forever
Between you and me I could honestly say
That things can only get better
And while I’m away
Dust out the demons inside
And it won’t be long before you and me run
To the place in our hearts where we hide
Now is the time to “dust out the demons inside” and re-reading my journal has really helped let those demons out. My spirit team is telling me I am going through a phase of renewal – I’m at the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. It is only fair that I begin this new chapter with a lighter heart.
Intuitive Studies, Soul Growth
A few months ago I experienced something palpably 5D that left me in amazement. I’ve had plenty of psychic metaphysical experiences in my lifetime but this was different – my body was taken over by my Higher Self.
I was on a writer’s retreat up north at a place where many of the earth’s energetic leylines converge. I was meditating every day, using crystals and doing guided visualisations. One afternoon I did a meditation by Steve Nobel called “Merging with Your 6D Super-Conscious Self”. I set the intention for my Higher Self to guide me and I would surrender control.
The next morning I got in my car and had a plan that would include meditating in the nearby rainforest, then doing laundry at the small town five minutes away. But when I drove out of the retreat’s driveway, I turned right – away from the rainforest – went further down the road and turned left instead of right for the laundromat. At this point I realised my body was taking the lead – or something was taking over my body.
Like Google Maps will recalculate your journey when you take a wrong turn, my mind was now trying to take back control and make an alternative plan – let’s go to the beach! However my hands steered the car all the way to a bigger town 15 minutes away. I parked the car and thought I would sit there and figure out the way to the beach.
Instead, I got out of the car, walked down the street and went into a metaphysical shop. I had a good look around and then left. Standing outside another crystal shop, I heard in my head ‘go to the charity shop’ – I looked across the road at the shop and thought ‘no, I don’t want to buy anything’.
I sat on a bench and looked at my phone. A moment later, my head automatically turned to the left and I could see outside the charity shop was someone I needed to have an important conversation with. I crossed the road and spoke with them.
My Higher Self took me to exactly where I needed to be. I was probably only 50% surrendered to the guidance, but I learned an important lesson: if we follow the guidance, even when the mind doesn’t understand why, miracles can come our way.
I have no doubt that some of us, or rather a lot of us, have important missions on this earth and our spirit teams are with us to bring them into fruition. Right now it feels like the guides are showing up even stronger to get their humans onto task. So ask your guides to show you where you need to be. Ask them for the next action you could take to help you fulfill your destined path.
Ascension Energy Reports, Sacred Partnerships
I channelled this message from my spirit team on 17 December 2019:
Our energy bodies are being upgraded to attune to the vibrational frequency of LOVE. This love is felt everywhere – it is universal love. In this frequency we are able to receive love and give love like never before. My spirit team showed me an image of the shackles around the heart being released and the heart pouring out love. One will act from love, not fear. Love frequency is so strong that nothing of lower energy can exist in its presence. Being motivated by fear will not continue in the love frequency. A lot of old ways of being and doing things will drop away. It’s not the end of the world, it’s the end of the old way of seeing it!
How will the love frequency impact our everyday life? One example my spirit team talked about was the fear-based feeling of “uncertainty” which creates our desire to seek “security” in money or assets. A sense of security will be available to us without the need to find a way to achieve it – love pervades fear! There will be greater distribution of wealth and resources in the world, as love enables people to release the fear that creates hoarding and be more giving.
My spirit team hinted that being on this love frequency will also bring access to abilities such as telepathy – more on this will be revealed later.
Body care during ascension upgrades and beyond
Make sure that you rest as upgrades to your energy body take place – you may be getting headaches, extreme tiredness, disrupted sleep and body pain. Through this process our physical body will change too and will require lots of purified alkaline water or better yet, mountain spring water. Avoid alcohol and yeast, and adopt a plant-based diet – raw vegan is advised. Listen to your body for specific foods to avoid or to eat – you will most likely be receiving guidance on this already, so honour it.
Soul Growth
My spirit guides often give me messages by putting songs into my mind. I usually will hear a melody or one chorus and try to figure out the song. They are considerate though, and use songs that I’ve heard in my lifetime – some go way back to the 1980s!
So a couple of weeks ago I was walking my dog and I heard in my mind the words “the greatest love of all” along with some of the melody. I knew it was the Whitney Houston song. This is the part of the song they wanted me to take note of:
“Because the greatest
Love of all is happening to me
I found the greatest
Love of all inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all”
I had been getting the message for myself, and also the collective, that we are needing to work on our own self love. The guidance, particularly, is to be mindful of any self-criticism, such as judgements about your appearance or comparing yourself to others. Do your best to cultivate a more loving and accepting view of yourself.
Each week or so we are being asked by our guides to work on different things in ourselves. This is part of ascension, which can be thought of as an upgrading of the human race and the earth, to a higher vibration. To raise our vibration we must leave behind what is weighing us down – not only our personal emotional debris, but societal conditioning.
The Divine Feminine energy is rising, this means that all people would have a more balanced energetic system of feminine and masculine, and it would be reflected in society.
I highly encourage you to look at your thoughts and beliefs about yourself. It can be challenging but is well worthwhile.