Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth
Got aches and pains and think it might be ascension symptoms? You could be right! I share my experience with crippling hip and back pain that disappeared the next day.

Back in May I was hanging out at home, getting used to hermitage (what others were calling quarantine). I was walking my dog every day but missing out on the incidental exercise I’d usually get.
One day I felt a dull pain around my abdomen. Later the pain moved to the right side of my hip and sacrum (that flat bony bit near the bottom of your spine). The pain grew so much that bending over or sitting down on the floor gave me killer pain.
I did some gentle yoga to open my hips and stretch my hamstrings, as I am no stranger to tight hips and know what usually works to relieve pain like this. It didn’t work. My mind started going down a path of thinking about booking an appointment with my osteopath and all the work that would be needed to bring my body back to wellbeing. I was also blaming myself for not exercising enough. I truly felt like an old lady (no offence to old ladies…)
The next day I woke up and the pain had completely gone. I told a friend what had happened and she told me she experienced similar pain in the same part of her body at the same time. We realised that it was an ascension symptom.
If you haven’t heard about ascension, it’s basically upgrades to the earth’s energy grid and upgrades to our personal energy fields, the merkaba light body. From my experience, I understand that each person on the ascension path also gets assistance for their unique needs – we’ve all had different life events and traumas, for example. One thing to note is that ascension is not happening to everyone at once, it’s being rolled out.
Ultimately each person’s merkaba is in balance: feminine and masculine, left and right, yin and yang. In my qi gong and yoga training, I was taught that our energy body has two main channels, the left being feminine, the right being masculine. So when I was feeling that killer pain on my right side, energy was working it’s way out for my masculine side to be clear of any obstructions. I’m sure there was even more to this experience, beyond my understanding.
Jump forward to this week, mid-August, and I’m feeling pain around my sacrum on the left side – the feminine side. Just going for a walk is a struggle as I feel pain with each step I take. This time I’m not so quick to think about booking an appointment with my osteopath. No doubt some gentle yoga will be helpful to move energy around my body. I’m going to wait and see how this pans out before I judge it. And yes, my friend had this pain too – we are ascension buddies!
Ascension symptoms may show up in many different ways – some people report heart palpitations, headaches, dizziness and digestive issues. The tricky bit is working out whether it’s a regular day to day health issue or an ascension symptom.
Ascension energies can be very strong and overwhelming for the body, however self-care practices can reduce the side effects. Try these ideas:
- Drink filtered water and more than usual during strong energies (you may notice you are more thirsty)
- Intuitively observe required dietary changes (read my blog about ascension dietary changes)
- Practice meditation and yoga nidra relaxation
- Spend time in nature to ground your energy
- Sleep when you need to, as you may be more tired
- Take a bath with Epsom salts to clear your energy field
- Belly breathing and other pranayama practices from yoga (read my blog about yoga breathing)