Enmore, Sydney, Australia 10am-5.30pm 0416 341 139
Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth, Videos
I am a psychic medium healer and spiritual teacher and share my gifts and experience in guidance videos and energy reports on YouTube.

I offer a mix of livestream and pre-recorded guidance videos on my YouTube channel (click here), including three series of videos (listed below), plus timely ascension energy videos that I am guided to share. Please subscribe to my channel – you will be notified of new videos and planned livestreams.

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It helps enormously when you subscribe and “like” and comment on my videos, as then YouTube will show it to more viewers.
You can help support the cost of making these videos at buymeacoffee/merkabamolly (or tap on the purple coffee cup, bottom left)

Wednesdays 11AM AEDT – Spiritual Chat
I answer your questions about spirituality, including awakening, ascension, healing, angels, starseeds, yoga, meditation, intuition, reincarnation, energy healing, being an empath and more. Plus, spiritual wisdom that my guides share with me. You can send me your question in advance using the contact form

Fridays 8PM AEDT – Angel Messages

I am an Angel Communicator & Healer and in this livestream offer a space to call in the angels for healing and guidance. We chat, talk angel therapy and I offer mini angel readings by donation (buymeacoffee). This is a more chatty and interactive livestream where I hope to create a community of likeminded people. 

Sundays 8PM AEDT – Divine Messages
I channel higher dimensional guidance from my Star Team for the newly awakened, spiritual seekers, lightworkers and starseeds. Topics vary depending on what my guides want to share.


Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth
This is an ascension energy report for the New Year of 2021: my Star Team advise of rainbow light for our crystalline energy body, self-care and the need to gather in physical groups again.


The ascension energy currently coming in both supports us and uplifts us, changing our DNA structure and awakening gifts that were previously held in other realms and times on earth. What you can expect is fluctuation in your energy as the incoming energies integrate.


Rest and relaxation, epsom salt baths, meditation, hammock time, restorative yoga and anything that allows you to deeply relax in a healthy way is recommended for you right now as a means of supporting this inner growth. You are being supported by your guardian angels, so please do not worry, just be present and accept the gifts as they come in.


Also, create your own temple of reflection and peace, a shelter from the windstorm that is man-made and will grow stronger as resolution comes into place. Retreat from external influences, cultivate your own inner peace – create a golden time of solitude and don’t let anyone rain on your parade!


Now I am being guided to tell you about rainbow light, to wrap yourselves in rainbows, metaphorically, through visualisation. It connects with the crystalline structure in the body that we are moving towards gradually through the ascension process. Do embrace the concept of rainbows as an energy that you can access for your own wellbeing.


Next message is about togetherness – I see groups of people will be coming together as their vibrations pull them towards each other. This is a natural occurrence, of how the groups form, but at a soul level there were already agreements in place. Now that we are at higher vibrations we can finally find each other to collaborate. Let this happen, I am hearing, no need to force or control how it eventuates.


Now to children, we need to nurture them and their imagination as much as possible. This creativity inherent in children is needed for future generations. Encourage digital detox, provide them with the tools they need to be creative. No criticism, just fostering creativity through holding space.


Energy healing at this time can be very beneficial for all of us – a supportive modality that can help your energy body balance, clear and integrate energies for spiritual, emotional and physical health (have a look at my offering).


Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth
Have you got ascension symptoms connected to your diet? As the body changes with ascension energies, your diet needs to change too!

Ascension is changing our bodies to a crystalline-based structure from a carbon-based structure. This also changes the types of food we need for fuel. Also, the body’s energy is better used for ascension integration than processing heavy foods.


You may have already noticed that certain foods don’t go down as well as they used to. I suggest that you tune into your body after every meal and check how you are feeling physically. For example, I noticed gurgling sounds in my stomach after eating certain foods that I’ve had no problem with before. Make a list of the foods that aggravate your body.


Next, ask your body what kind of food it wants. One day I asked my body, what do you want for lunch? In my mind I saw the packet of edamame beans that was in my freezer. I’d forgotten I had bought them! I boiled the entire contents of the bag and ate just those beans for lunch. My stomach made no sounds and I felt satiated.


Of course, it’s best to seek medical advice if you have serious digestion issues. I sorted out my gut with an integrative doctor back in 2015 and now that I’m aware of what foods I have sensitivities to I can rule out ascension symptoms there. But food and ascension symptoms seem to act differently – it may only be a temporary issue.



I can say that every time I clean up my diet, I feel better in my body, my mind and my energy body. I am no stranger to letting go of certain foods from my diet – I have been an ethical vegan since 2014 and vegetarian prior to that. My meditation sessions are deeper, my mind’s clarity is boosted, and I feel more balanced and grounded.


In April I cut oil from my diet after seeing videos on YouTube explaining how bad it is for heart disease. I know I was guided to see those videos, as I felt like the veil had been lifted for me – I’d been lied to – coconut oil is not good for you! Shortly after quitting all oils, my body felt lighter and digestion had improved. (See my tips for cooking without oil, at the end of this story.)


Covid19 shutdown meant that I was cooking all of my meals. And since I was keen to get more healthy during this time, I started using Dr Greger’s Daily Dozen app to make sure I was getting enough of the important foods, such as leafy greens, berries and seeds. Blueberries have been my favourite addition.



In May I detoxed my kitchenware – if we are making sure our food is free of toxins, why don’t we do that for the equipment we prepare it with? I got rid of non-stick pans that I bought before the formula changed in 2013 to a less toxic version. I switched my mugs, dinnerware and bakeware to lead-free stoneware and glass. I got a cast-iron pan for a long-life natural non-stick pan.



Now in November, my Star Team is telling me daily to clean up my diet further – my body is becoming even more sensitive (is that possible?). They are insistent that I move to 100% organic food (I was aiming for at least 50% before). Also, they are telling me to focus on eating pure wholefoods and drop anything processed containing artificial chemicals, additives, pesticides, and so on.


Green leafy vegetables, more raw fruit and veg and less processed foods is the guidance I receive from my Star Team.



We need to drink more water during strong ascension energies to support the body as it integrates upgrades. I notice I’m extra thirsty at these times. Choose filtered water and if it’s available to you, filtered spring water. Detoxing from alcohol and soft drinks (sodas) is also helpful. We really need to respect the body as a temple.



As the physical body and energy body attunes to higher frequencies there is an increasing sensitivity to food and environment. Don’t be surprised that your old lifestyle simply doesn’t work anymore – whether it’s your diet, where you live, or the people you spend time with. Make small changes one by one when you are guided to and it won’t seem so daunting.



There is a particular way to sauté vegetables using water. I’ll give the example of cooking chopped onion. Heat your pan first. Have some water on standby. Add the onion and stir. When the onion starts to stick to the pan, add a little water – enough to stir the onion and prevent sticking. Continue like this. You can use vegetable stock instead of water.

To replace oil in recipes, such as pesto and hummus, I just use water. Banana can replace oil in baked treats. Do some research and you’ll find solutions.



Ascension Energy Reports, My Story
Ascension upgrades to the third eye chakra boost clairvoyance. I share my personal experience of third eye activation and the ascension symptoms.


Early in October my Star Team advised me that my clairvoyant gifts would receive an ascension upgrade and suggested that I retreat (a la hermit) to support and nurture myself while this happened.

I didn’t think of that message again until mid-October, when during several days I felt an odd sensation that was much like ants walking around on my scalp. I even checked if some insect had found its way into my hair – nope! It seemed like my hair was vibrating near the crown of my head, towards the back.

On the second occasion of this strange feeling, I asked my guides what was going on and immediately received the message that it was an activation of the third eye chakra.

I also had shooting pain in my forehead for about a minute – it hurt so bad that I asked my guides to reduce whatever was happening and the pain quickly stopped.

I’d like to note that back in 2011-2013 my third eye was like a throbbing heart – I could physically feel it. You may experience something like this at the beginning of your third eye activations.


Exactly one week later I experienced vertigo – it came out of nowhere, all of a sudden – unfortunately I had just stepped out the door to take my dog for a walk. I felt very off-balance and walking was difficult (made even more challenging by my dog pulling me).

If this happens to you and vertigo strikes – lie down and don’t move! If you’ve experienced ascension symptoms before, you learn to rest and let them happen – don’t feel guilty about lying down and doing nothing.



A few days later I was sitting at my desk, between client sessions, and instinctively raised my arms up towards the ceiling – I felt energy flowing down through my crown chakra. I noticed my breathing had become so easy and free, it was different and hard to describe – this was over within a minute.

The next two days or so I had ringing in the ears – I would describe this like when you lose hearing in one ear for a very short time, say 30 seconds, and then hear full sound again. It can mean that your light body is shifting to a higher frequency.

A few of my friends also experienced these symptoms on the same days, which is so helpful for me, as we can share our stories and not feel alone.


Now that we are in November, you may ask have my clairvoyant gifts been boosted? Yes, in fact all of my gifts feel heightened now. Of course, I have been on this spiritual path for more than 20 years and can remember several periods when great leaps and bounds occurred in remembering my gifts.

The past few years have been especially fruitful in this way, and I know that many people are discovering their spiritual side at a much fast rate than we used to.

Please note, you may experience experiences like these at any time – on your own or within a collective group. We receive both personal and collective ascension upgrades. Remember that your soul has a path of its own and everything unfolds at the right time.

Spiritual ascension is happening in waves, meaning different groups of the collective go through stages at different times. My advice is just to be open to what is available to you.



Ascension energies can be very strong and overwhelming for the body, however self-care practices can reduce the side effects. Try these ideas:


  • Drink filtered water and more than usual during strong energies (you may notice you are more thirsty)
  • Intuitively observe required dietary changes (read my blog about ascension dietary changes)
  • Practice meditation and yoga nidra relaxation
  • Spend time in nature to ground your energy
  • Sleep when you need to, as you may be more tired
  • Take a bath with Epsom salts to clear your energy field
  • Belly breathing and other pranayama practices from yoga (read my blog about yoga breathing)

Intuitive Studies, Soul Growth


I invite you to join my spiritual circle: an online meeting in which you may connect with the higher dimensions.

This spiritual circle offers support for those on the ascension path: the newly awakened, spiritual seekers, lightworkers and starseeds, who want to develop their intuitive abilities, connect with angels and receive healing.

I provide the energetic space and activities to help you develop a strong connection with your inner guidance system, which is invaluable in navigating life. 

Activities include:

Relaxation & Meditation
– simple meditation that is easy to practice at home
– Yoga Nidra guided deep relaxation
– pranayama breathing techniques from yoga to relax and control movement of energy in body

Energy Work
– Qi Gong healing
– intuitive energy healing
– Angel Therapy healing
– clearing & shielding your energy

Intuitive Development
– learning how to connect and receive messages from guides, angels & higher dimensional lightbeings
– awakening to your intuitive gifts through a variety of practices such as automatic writing
– using tools such as oracle cards, pendulums and crystals

For more about my background, read about me

Info & Bookings
Wednesday 7pm-8.15pm AEDT (Australian time)
You will need the Zoom app on your device or computer.
Bookings at my shop

My Story, Soul Growth
As a psychic medium and angel communicator, I have learned that following my guides suggestions tends to work in mysterious ways. Here I share a funny story of how I was invited to appear on Soulogy Soulspeaks 5D.

One rainy Sunday at the start of July I was sitting on my couch and thought to myself, how shall I promote my work as a psychic medium and energy healer? I went to Google and started typing. I looked at the computer screen and saw that I had automatically typed ‘how to publish your story’.

I am a Divine channel and one way I do this is by writing, so I wasn’t that surprised my typing wasn’t what I intended but a message from my guides. 

This message about writing my story is not a new one – I’ve been receiving this guidance for years, however I was getting the feeling that NOW is the time to do this.

I was being asked to share stories about my spiritual path as teachings of shared experiences. This would help many people who are waking up to spirituality right now.


So over the next few days I began thinking about how I would format my writings. Then one morning I was in a queue at the supermarket and the woman in front of me had a tattoo on her shoulders: “Maybe it’s not about the happy ending. Maybe it’s about the story.” Another prompt! That afternoon I sat down at the computer and started writing.


I began typing my journal entries from the past year. I thought this would be a good way to collate my stories on the computer. What happened, though, is that I relived experiences and this brought up heavy emotions. I closed my laptop and paid attention to these feelings. 



A week passed by and I was inspired to write a blog post about my throat chakra healing, which occurred in the most peculiar way (read it here). I shared this blog on my social media and posted it in the Soulogy Facebook group, thinking someone there might be interested.

Next day I was guided to write about my feelings. I wrote a blog about my emotions rising up from typing my journal (read it here) and again shared it in the Soulogy group.


On the third day I got an email from Soulogy inviting me to be a guest on Soulspeaks 5D. I was in shock! I had never expected or thought that would happen – I was just following my inner guidance without any expectation of what would result.


I was feeling nervous about this opportunity and checked in with my guides. They were pushing me forward, telling me to be my authentic self, to share myself as the spiritual teacher that I am. I decided I would do the show and be as authentic as possible.


A couple of weeks later I appeared on Soulspeaks 5D show, which was broadcast live on YouTube and Facebook. I talked about my spiritual path and the more I talked, the more my throat chakra opened. I watched the replay and could see myself touching my throat often during the hour. One viewer commented she could see my throat chakra opening.


I’ll be honest, I was very nervous and it took me quite some time to calm down afterwards. I had stepped out of my comfort zone, which was uncomfortable, but that is where the growth can be found. It helps that the response from viewers was affirming – my story resonated and they were fully supportive and thankful for my appearance on the show.

Now I look back and thank my guides for pushing me forward. And how funny is it that the first blog post I shared to the Soulogy group was about my throat chakra healing? I guess it was all part of the Divine plan.


Another plus is that just before the show my spirit team revealed to me their new name: the Star Team. At first I realised the galactic reference, but it was only later that I got the full joke – they are now stars because we’ve been on YouTube together!

Watch my appearance on Soulogy Soulspeaks 5D on YouTube