Enmore, Sydney, Australia 10am-5.30pm 0416 341 139
Soul Growth, Videos
Keen to learn manifestation and law of attraction techniques? Try this guidance to get you into the best vibration for manifestation success. Watch the video or read this transcript.



I’m using Gabrielle Bernstein’s Super Attractor deck. The first card is “As soon as I choose to see the light in the dark corners, I redirect my power toward what I want”. Very much about looking into your shadow aspects: it’s not about criticising them, it’s about taking them in as part of you and accepting them and that brings wholeness. When we are holding energies in our body or our energy body that are attracting things, we want it to be pretty clear. If we’ve got stuff that’s needing to be released, we should really work on that because what we really want to attract is going to be affected by that. So I always start with working on myself to bring what I want into my life. A lot of people go the other way around but I’ve learned it’s definitely worth starting from yourself and doing the spiritual work. (Clear out old emotions – read my blog about how feeling it all really works!)



The next card: “My ability to receive is measured by how much I practice good feeling thoughts”. Often we are focusing on what we’re fearful of or scared of what could happen that’s possibly negative, because we’re trying to avoid disaster or avoid embarrassment or shame or whatever it is. That is actually counterproductive to what we are wanting. Mindfulness comes into play here: if you can learn a mindfulness meditation that helps you to be aware of your thoughts and stop yourself from going into negativity. And then practice the alternative, which is gratitude being grateful for everything in your life and that brings in more things that you’re grateful for. That’s the vibration we want to be in so that we can attract the beautiful things in life.



These cards are flying out! I got two cards, the first: “My true safety lies in my capacity to align with the love of the universe”. I was just talking about trying to be safe and here’s the information that they want to give us about feeling safe truly, which is my true safety lies in my capacity to align with the love of the universe. The second card is: “When I’m patient, I let the universe do for me what I cannot do for myself”. We’re often thinking ‘why isn’t this happening?’ but what that actually is doing is bringing more ‘why isn’t it happening?’. If you’re in waiting mode, you get more waiting. So think about what energy you’re projecting out there so that you can really focus on the energy that will bring you what you want – it’s key for manifestation.



Next card is: “The universe has big plans for me and it’s time to claim them”. If you’re feeling like you’re not ready yet, just try anyway. You probably already know what it is that you want to do but the fear is stopping you or blocking you. Put that fear into perspective: it’s all about creating safety by avoiding something. Instead, think about what you could achieve through this dream or goal or action that you’ve already got in your mind and your heart and go for it – now is the time to go for it! (And that’s probably why you were drawn to read this manifestation article!)



Next card: “Spiritual alignment puts my manifestation into motion”. I always come back to that – spiritual alignment is number one and meditation does that for me. I always think if I can come back to that oneness within and with the divine from there I can erase the control, the grip the ego has on me and I can clear my mind and listen to my heart.



Whoa, another card flew out! “I heal the habit of fear and I embrace the habit of love”, which is what I just said. We’re wanting to always choose love over fear. Sometimes we need to shift ourselves into the love through some practice – the practice might be meditation, it might be a walk in nature – just think of something that helps you shift into that feeling of love and back to your true self. What makes you feel like yourself again? Maybe it’s a long hot bath or playing with your dog, there’s so many ways to do it.


They’re all falling on the floor tonight, but I’m glad as that means things are happening here with the energy.


Wow! This one says: “The universe powerfully responds the instant I realign with love”. Very similar to what we had before, but the messages keep repeating over and over again: align with love, align with the divine, step out of the ego, come into your heart. Don’t fear and step forward into action to create what you want. And if you need to do healing to bring yourself into alignment, do it

“I let an inner sense of quiet multiply each day as I strengthen my faith in the love of the universe”. That inner quiet can come from meditation – I know I keep banging on about meditation but it’s really helpful, really really helpful, especially for stress.



Last card from this deck: “I can do less and attract more”. Okay, I can do less and attract more is a very different way of thinking to what we all kind of believe, which is we’ve got to do more and more and more to get more. This is a much more simple way of doing things, letting the universe help you.


This oracle deck is called Divine Abundance and it’s very good for coming into a space of allowance to manifest what you want in life.



Well that one fell out fast: “Liberation: the doubts and fears still come up, you don’t believe anymore that they’re you”. That’s the key thing here: understanding that your doubts and fears are not actually you. Your thoughts are not you, so if you come across fear just remember it’s false programming.


I hope that makes sense to you. Sometimes we need messages to repeat over and over again to remember them and ingrain them and bring them into practice for ourselves. I know I do, it’s been a long path of learning for me.



Next card is “Courage” – this comes back to what we were saying earlier about taking action. It says: “Let me be open to courageously taking the leaps that are shown”. Some of the people watching this will have an idea that they want to do but they’re having fear block them or stop them from actually going ahead with it. We’ve been getting the message strongly tonight to step away from the fear and step forward into your action plan. Take action: it may take some courage, but I think once you actually do it, there won’t be any fear, you’ll realise that.

For other people watching it’s a different scenario where you’re waiting to receive but we’re trying to get out of waiting mode and more into allowing mode, a slight difference in energy vibration. So for you guys, it’s going to be more understanding these lessons in your heart space and coming into a vibration of gratitude.



And this card that came out: “Ease: it’s easy for me to receive”, which is what I was just saying. “It’s easy for me to receive” is the space that we want to be in – when we are ready to receive what we’re trying to manifest. And for the other people who want to create something and take action, for you guys it’s about just stepping around the fear and moving forward.


Keen to put your manifestation techniques into use for attracting a love partner? Watch this video or read the transcript here

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Sacred Partnerships, Soul Growth
Feeling emotions fully and having the courage to be vulnerable brings the emotional healing, growth and intimacy your soul desires. Here’s guidance from my Star Team… 


I wake up and hear a song in my head, a message from my Star Team: I Feel It All by Feist, “I feel it all, I feel it all / I feel it all, I feel it all / The wings are wide, the wings are wide / Wild card inside, wild card inside.”


And in perfect synchronicity with this, I see on my Facebook memories that I shared a quote by vulnerability expert Brene Brown from her talk I attended in Sydney: “When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write the ending.”


Intuitively I understand the message I am being given is to do a thorough inventory of any emotions that are lurking unbeknownst within me. Emotional healing is needed and it’s not just for my wellbeing, it’s also for my manifestations to come into fruition – thoughts and feelings equal vibration and your vibration attracts similar vibrations.



I get out my journal and start writing. For me, writing is a familiar process to bring feelings to the forefront and to get to the heart of matters. I learned this many years ago when reading the book The Artist’s Way: the gist is to write freely, forget about spelling and grammar, just get into the flow and purge everything onto the page.



I make a list of how I’m feeling and spend time sitting with each emotion to let them be fully felt and then released. When I find an emotion is really stuck, I ask the angels to help me – I know it works and I’ve witnessed countless clients release very tough burdens simply by asking the angels for assistance.


Ideally, we achieve emotional healing by feeling the emotions as they occur and learn from them – emotions are simply telling us something about our experience. And when take responsibility of our emotions, we don’t try to hand them over to others, nor do we try to handle other people’s emotions. If everyone does their own emotional work, we will experience healthier relationships.



Years ago when I was training in Laughter Wellness, my teacher told me: “you can’t cherry-pick emotions.” What he meant is that you can’t choose to only feel the nice emotions and deny the unpleasant ones – this would dampen or numb your entire feeling experience. Sometimes we need to go deep into the depths of pain to come out the other side with a renewed feeling of joyous love.


Lately my Star Team has been encouraging me to find my wild self, and I completely understand this song message is a step towards that. Like Feist sings, when you feel the emotions and release them, you feel freedom (“the wings are wide”) and discover a “wild card”. We’re not talking crazy wild, but rather the natural and true Self, not shackled by heavy emotional burdens, limiting beliefs and societal conformity.



I remember in my early days of starting yoga, I’d come home from a class and feel as light as air. I’d look in the mirror and see myself differently, in a more accepting and less judgmental way. It’s amazing how your perception changes when you come out of the thinking mind and go into the feeling heart. How we interact with others is changed too – imagine a world where everyone is loving and not defensive!




The challenge is that most of us have been conditioned to be in the mind and find it difficult to connect with our heart. Time after time in client sessions, the angels are sending messages to help us find our way back to feeling lovable, loved and loving. The big part of this is self-acceptance – loving yourself for who you truly are. The best bit is that when you love yourself, you can express your love to others unconditionally. Unconditional love is where we are heading as our consciousness rises and our vibration changes (read my blog about this). So get ready to FEEL the LOVE!


Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth
This is an ascension energy report for the New Year of 2021: my Star Team advise of rainbow light for our crystalline energy body, self-care and the need to gather in physical groups again.


The ascension energy currently coming in both supports us and uplifts us, changing our DNA structure and awakening gifts that were previously held in other realms and times on earth. What you can expect is fluctuation in your energy as the incoming energies integrate.


Rest and relaxation, epsom salt baths, meditation, hammock time, restorative yoga and anything that allows you to deeply relax in a healthy way is recommended for you right now as a means of supporting this inner growth. You are being supported by your guardian angels, so please do not worry, just be present and accept the gifts as they come in.


Also, create your own temple of reflection and peace, a shelter from the windstorm that is man-made and will grow stronger as resolution comes into place. Retreat from external influences, cultivate your own inner peace – create a golden time of solitude and don’t let anyone rain on your parade!


Now I am being guided to tell you about rainbow light, to wrap yourselves in rainbows, metaphorically, through visualisation. It connects with the crystalline structure in the body that we are moving towards gradually through the ascension process. Do embrace the concept of rainbows as an energy that you can access for your own wellbeing.


Next message is about togetherness – I see groups of people will be coming together as their vibrations pull them towards each other. This is a natural occurrence, of how the groups form, but at a soul level there were already agreements in place. Now that we are at higher vibrations we can finally find each other to collaborate. Let this happen, I am hearing, no need to force or control how it eventuates.


Now to children, we need to nurture them and their imagination as much as possible. This creativity inherent in children is needed for future generations. Encourage digital detox, provide them with the tools they need to be creative. No criticism, just fostering creativity through holding space.


Energy healing at this time can be very beneficial for all of us – a supportive modality that can help your energy body balance, clear and integrate energies for spiritual, emotional and physical health (have a look at my offering).


Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth
Have you got ascension symptoms connected to your diet? As the body changes with ascension energies, your diet needs to change too!

Ascension is changing our bodies to a crystalline-based structure from a carbon-based structure. This also changes the types of food we need for fuel. Also, the body’s energy is better used for ascension integration than processing heavy foods.


You may have already noticed that certain foods don’t go down as well as they used to. I suggest that you tune into your body after every meal and check how you are feeling physically. For example, I noticed gurgling sounds in my stomach after eating certain foods that I’ve had no problem with before. Make a list of the foods that aggravate your body.


Next, ask your body what kind of food it wants. One day I asked my body, what do you want for lunch? In my mind I saw the packet of edamame beans that was in my freezer. I’d forgotten I had bought them! I boiled the entire contents of the bag and ate just those beans for lunch. My stomach made no sounds and I felt satiated.


Of course, it’s best to seek medical advice if you have serious digestion issues. I sorted out my gut with an integrative doctor back in 2015 and now that I’m aware of what foods I have sensitivities to I can rule out ascension symptoms there. But food and ascension symptoms seem to act differently – it may only be a temporary issue.



I can say that every time I clean up my diet, I feel better in my body, my mind and my energy body. I am no stranger to letting go of certain foods from my diet – I have been an ethical vegan since 2014 and vegetarian prior to that. My meditation sessions are deeper, my mind’s clarity is boosted, and I feel more balanced and grounded.


In April I cut oil from my diet after seeing videos on YouTube explaining how bad it is for heart disease. I know I was guided to see those videos, as I felt like the veil had been lifted for me – I’d been lied to – coconut oil is not good for you! Shortly after quitting all oils, my body felt lighter and digestion had improved. (See my tips for cooking without oil, at the end of this story.)


Covid19 shutdown meant that I was cooking all of my meals. And since I was keen to get more healthy during this time, I started using Dr Greger’s Daily Dozen app to make sure I was getting enough of the important foods, such as leafy greens, berries and seeds. Blueberries have been my favourite addition.



In May I detoxed my kitchenware – if we are making sure our food is free of toxins, why don’t we do that for the equipment we prepare it with? I got rid of non-stick pans that I bought before the formula changed in 2013 to a less toxic version. I switched my mugs, dinnerware and bakeware to lead-free stoneware and glass. I got a cast-iron pan for a long-life natural non-stick pan.



Now in November, my Star Team is telling me daily to clean up my diet further – my body is becoming even more sensitive (is that possible?). They are insistent that I move to 100% organic food (I was aiming for at least 50% before). Also, they are telling me to focus on eating pure wholefoods and drop anything processed containing artificial chemicals, additives, pesticides, and so on.


Green leafy vegetables, more raw fruit and veg and less processed foods is the guidance I receive from my Star Team.



We need to drink more water during strong ascension energies to support the body as it integrates upgrades. I notice I’m extra thirsty at these times. Choose filtered water and if it’s available to you, filtered spring water. Detoxing from alcohol and soft drinks (sodas) is also helpful. We really need to respect the body as a temple.



As the physical body and energy body attunes to higher frequencies there is an increasing sensitivity to food and environment. Don’t be surprised that your old lifestyle simply doesn’t work anymore – whether it’s your diet, where you live, or the people you spend time with. Make small changes one by one when you are guided to and it won’t seem so daunting.



There is a particular way to sauté vegetables using water. I’ll give the example of cooking chopped onion. Heat your pan first. Have some water on standby. Add the onion and stir. When the onion starts to stick to the pan, add a little water – enough to stir the onion and prevent sticking. Continue like this. You can use vegetable stock instead of water.

To replace oil in recipes, such as pesto and hummus, I just use water. Banana can replace oil in baked treats. Do some research and you’ll find solutions.



Intuitive Studies, Soul Growth


I invite you to join my spiritual circle: an online meeting in which you may connect with the higher dimensions.

This spiritual circle offers support for those on the ascension path: the newly awakened, spiritual seekers, lightworkers and starseeds, who want to develop their intuitive abilities, connect with angels and receive healing.

I provide the energetic space and activities to help you develop a strong connection with your inner guidance system, which is invaluable in navigating life. 

Activities include:

Relaxation & Meditation
– simple meditation that is easy to practice at home
– Yoga Nidra guided deep relaxation
– pranayama breathing techniques from yoga to relax and control movement of energy in body

Energy Work
– Qi Gong healing
– intuitive energy healing
– Angel Therapy healing
– clearing & shielding your energy

Intuitive Development
– learning how to connect and receive messages from guides, angels & higher dimensional lightbeings
– awakening to your intuitive gifts through a variety of practices such as automatic writing
– using tools such as oracle cards, pendulums and crystals

For more about my background, read about me

Info & Bookings
Wednesday 7pm-8.15pm AEDT (Australian time)
You will need the Zoom app on your device or computer.
Bookings at my shop

My Story, Soul Growth
A few years ago I learned a major lesson for myself: don’t give unsolicited advice and don’t accept unsolicited advice.

At the time, I was going through a break-up and although friends were well-meaning, they were giving me advice that made me feel worse.
I later read several modern conscious relationship books and discovered that the advice my friends had been offering was outdated thinking that doesn’t serve anyone now.

What hurt most is that I wanted my friends to listen to me but they were too busy giving advice that I never asked for. Sadly, I stopped talking to them about what was going on in my life.

I vowed to not offer unsolicited advice and to practice listening to people instead. Now, if I feel I have helpful advice, I will ask for permission to share it, and I won’t get offended if the answer is no.

Once I “turned off” the external noise, I was able to hear my inner guidance – a much more gentle, quiet voice. This voice was speaking of unconditional love and to me, was a voice of reason far more than anything else I’d heard.

The bottom line is that being present to others is far more important than trying to be helpful. And being present to your self is absolutely crucial: let your heart be your compass guiding you on the path of life. I can help you develop your connection to your inner guidance, get in touch about an intuitive development session.

Sacred Partnerships, Soul Growth

My psychic gifts include empathy – known as clairsentience, clear feeling – so I am not new to feeling a person’s emotions or body pains when giving them an intuitive guidance session.


What happened for me recently felt very different. Let me explain… While in deep contemplation about a situation involving my Divine counterpart, my Star Team asked me to look at how he views me.


I closed my eyes and set the intention. A strange energetic feeling kicked in, which I can only describe as me folding in on myself, and then I saw his viewpoint as a series of pictures of memories. The first image was of me with a starburst of light emanating from my heart – he saw my wholeness, and none of the faults that I see.


Then came another surprise for me – it was like I had downloaded a package and it exploded in my heart – a multitude of emotions – sadness, pain, loss, hurt, guilt, shame, depression and loneliness. I was hit by these intense feelings as if someone had just told me devastating news.


I asked my team if these were his emotions and they confirmed yes. I took note of the depth of these feelings so I could have a truly empathetic view of the situation, and then I consciously released them. “If this energy is not my own, I release it now,” I commanded. My body was still feeling the effects but most of the heaviness had lifted. I called on Archangel Michael to clear my energy field.


I was given an important insight into feelings that were clearly not apparent to me, and that spirit wanted me to be aware of. People hide their emotions from others, so sometimes we really don’t know what they are going through.


Later that day, still rocked by what had happened, I asked my team for more information. I heard “Google: Soul Transference”. This is how I found a YouTube video by Goldraytwinflames explaining similar stories to my own. My second learning from this experience was this taster of where sacred relationships are headed.


I would love to hear from anyone who has had a similar experience. The more we share, the more we understand and integrate the abilities of the higher dimensions.


Soul Growth

Here are my top five life-changing books that I recommend for people on a spiritual path.


  1. A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

This is a must-read! Based on the Course of Miracles, Marianne’s book taught me to always choose love over fear. My everyday conversations, choices and reactions have changed accordingly, and thus my experience of life.


  1. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

I have a fond memory of this book – it was one of the first spiritual books I ever read and aligned with my understanding of yogic philosophy. If we can do one beneficial thing in life, it would be to practice being in the moment.


  1. Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss

An inner knowing of my soul’s long existence and past lives led me to explore reincarnation and this book by psychiatrist Brian Weiss helped me to understand the game of life. As a result, my view of life has radically changed.


  1. Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Many of the books I’ve listed have changed the fundamental way I operate, and this is one of them. The teachings of Abraham, a spirit team channelled by Esther, are all about changing your vibrations to manifest your best life, by guiding your thoughts. It is a practice and the exercises will support you.


  1. Assertiveness For Earth Angels by Doreen Virtue

If you are a highly sensitive person, an intuitive, an empath or someone who has trouble dealing with harsh energy, then please read this book! Many of us need to learn about boundaries, speaking up and protecting ourselves.


Ascension Energy Reports, Soul Growth
Got aches and pains and think it might be ascension symptoms? You could be right! I share my experience with crippling hip and back pain that disappeared the next day.

energy healing: stuck energy & limiting beliefs

Back in May I was hanging out at home, getting used to hermitage (what others were calling quarantine). I was walking my dog every day but missing out on the incidental exercise I’d usually get.


One day I felt a dull pain around my abdomen. Later the pain moved to the right side of my hip and sacrum (that flat bony bit near the bottom of your spine). The pain grew so much that bending over or sitting down on the floor gave me killer pain.


I did some gentle yoga to open my hips and stretch my hamstrings, as I am no stranger to tight hips and know what usually works to relieve pain like this. It didn’t work. My mind started going down a path of thinking about booking an appointment with my osteopath and all the work that would be needed to bring my body back to wellbeing. I was also blaming myself for not exercising enough. I truly felt like an old lady (no offence to old ladies…)


The next day I woke up and the pain had completely gone. I told a friend what had happened and she told me she experienced similar pain in the same part of her body at the same time. We realised that it was an ascension symptom.


If you haven’t heard about ascension, it’s basically upgrades to the earth’s energy grid and upgrades to our personal energy fields, the merkaba light body. From my experience, I understand that each person on the ascension path also gets assistance for their unique needs – we’ve all had different life events and traumas, for example. One thing to note is that ascension is not happening to everyone at once, it’s being rolled out.

Ultimately each person’s merkaba is in balance: feminine and masculine, left and right, yin and yang. In my qi gong and yoga training, I was taught that our energy body has two main channels, the left being feminine, the right being masculine. So when I was feeling that killer pain on my right side, energy was working it’s way out for my masculine side to be clear of any obstructions. I’m sure there was even more to this experience, beyond my understanding.


Jump forward to this week, mid-August, and I’m feeling pain around my sacrum on the left side – the feminine side. Just going for a walk is a struggle as I feel pain with each step I take. This time I’m not so quick to think about booking an appointment with my osteopath. No doubt some gentle yoga will be helpful to move energy around my body. I’m going to wait and see how this pans out before I judge it. And yes, my friend had this pain too – we are ascension buddies!


Ascension symptoms may show up in many different ways – some people report heart palpitations, headaches, dizziness and digestive issues. The tricky bit is working out whether it’s a regular day to day health issue or an ascension symptom.



Ascension energies can be very strong and overwhelming for the body, however self-care practices can reduce the side effects. Try these ideas:

  • Drink filtered water and more than usual during strong energies (you may notice you are more thirsty)
  • Intuitively observe required dietary changes (read my blog about ascension dietary changes)
  • Practice meditation and yoga nidra relaxation
  • Spend time in nature to ground your energy
  • Sleep when you need to, as you may be more tired
  • Take a bath with Epsom salts to clear your energy field
  • Belly breathing and other pranayama practices from yoga (read my blog about yoga breathing)

Soul Growth

When I did Reiki levels one and two back in the early 2000’s, my Reiki master made the comment that as we grow spiritually, the words that we speak change. He had noticed people said less, and what they did say was more meaningful than before. I totally agree and had this experience myself. So I was surprised there was much more to learn when I discovered nonviolent communication.

Marshall B. Rosenberg pioneered this concept in the 1960s and wrote the book Nonviolent Communication: A Language Of Life, which explains many ways in which to express our feelings, needs and perceptions without reactionary behaviour.


Basically, he teaches how to express yourself with honesty and clarity so that others clearly understand you. And he also shares how to listen to others with empathy and a true desire to understand.


This practice is useful among intimate partnerships, friendships, families and work colleagues. It helps to prevent miscommunication and is handy if you are talking to a person who is particularly defensive. If we all communicated from our heart like this it would be a very different world.


I recommend starting with Rosenberg’s YouTube videos to learn the basics and finding his book, and those by others, on nonviolent communication.