Regression Therapy
The following is an edited transcript of an In-between Lives Regression I led a client through. She gives a remarkable account of heaven – the place where souls rest between their lives on earth.
What does it look like? It just looks like light, like sunlight but white.
How does it feel? Like love times a thousand. I feel like my grandmother’s here, from this life.
Can you ask her a question? She’s trying to console me about coming to earth again, that there’s a lot of work to do.
Is that work you have to do? That everyone has to do – we’re all in this together. I’m seeing a circle of souls.
Are you seeing your soul group? I feel like it might be my collective generation, so all those born within a couple of years of my birth, who are helping. We’re just praying for the earth and we are trying to give each other strength to do it, to come back.
Why is it so hard to go back? Because everyone is so cruel and hateful and angry… confused. I feel like we’re being lined up, kind of like when we go on an airplane, like when you’re going to jump out of an airplane. But this time you’re kind of going out, like on a slide, so you jump down, slide and it’s sort of like those typical movies like “go, go, go”. And I feel a little bit more reassured now because we’re kind of playing a game with it, so we’re seeing our souls as spiritual soldiers, “we can do this together”. It’s sort of like every subsequent generation that comes through after me, it’s like the vibration has changed – we’ve got to be quite hard, maintain our individuality and be quite strong and independent and have a lot of courage to do what we need to do. I think it gets easier with every subsequent generation, so they don’t have to – we need to remember not to take life so seriously as we are, and have a lot more fun with each other and be a lot more forgiving of each other. It’s not a race, you are not competing with anyone except for maybe yourself but the soul wouldn’t even do that – its not about advancement, its purely about expression.
I’m becoming aware of how irrelevant everything is, because the soul is so in charge it’s not funny. So I’m becoming present to the power of each soul, of spirit, and it’s like playing a game that you know you’re always going to win. I think we create more of that duality in the potential of losing a game than what actually does happen, like if you look at the game snakes and ladders – in the Divine game there are no snakes, you don’t go down, you are always going up. So what was I worried about? There’s no way you can lose.