Regression Therapy
During one of my trainings in Regression Therapy I was led through a past life regression by a colleague. It was a deeply moving experience for me that had a huge impact on my life today.
Over the years my yoga and meditation practices had made me acutely aware of the world and its inhabitants as being one and the same. I have a deep connection with animals in this life, and it became even more clear to me when I travelled in the Indian Himalayas in July 2014 and witnessed the Buddhist view of animals: no harm, no attachment. Having this regression shortly after my return from India was the final push towards being true to my own conscience and switching from vegetarian to a 100% vegan lifestyle.
As you will read in the following transcript, the knight feels a deep connection with animals and as I was recalling his life I was seeing pictures in my mind of horses slain on the battlefield. I felt extreme pain in my heart and was sobbing uncontrollably. I understood why not harming animals in this life is so important to me, and why my behaviour and actions reflect that.
Regression transcript:
Can you see the door handle?
It’s a round metal handle hanging off the door.
Is there a number on the door?
Are you able to move through the door? Move through the door and when you get there describe your surroundings
I can see the outside of the building. An old brick building that looks like the outside of a castle – big bricks, grey, it feels round, dirt road.
Are you male or female?
Male. I see silver armour.
How old are you?
I feel 47 like the door number but I don’t know. I’m a man, not a child.
How do you feel about this place where you are?
I feel forlorn.
Is your home nearby, can you go there?
I need to ride a horse there. It’s the barracks and there’s lots of people staying there, soldiers.
How do you feel about this place?
It’s crowded and noisy. A lot of action and macho-ness. I see axes swinging and weapons.
Are there any significant people in this scene you are close to?
I feel different from them, so I feel alone. I’m sensitive and they are very violent and extroverted, loud. I have a little friend on my left side – I got the picture of a monkey, maybe it’s not a monkey but someone who is younger.
How do you feel about this little friend?
He cheers me up, a bit of a clown. I have a feeling I am a knight who is worn out, back from battle and has no energy to deal with others, just sitting on a horse alone. It’s like all the things he’s seen have been so horrific. I see a picture of a horse slain. In this life I feel very connected to animals and I feel very sad about this horse. [sobbing] Humanity can be barbaric, brutal.
How does this make you feel?
[sobbing] Depressed.Move forward to a significant event in this life. Tell me what’s going on.
I’m old and in bed… in a village. There’s a woman there… she’s an old woman and she’s with me. I see her face is all shrivelled up. There’s something to do with my heart.
Are you dying?
Yes, but it is slow. I got the word ‘mourning’ – he’s grieving. I don’t feel so sad anymore.
Tell me what’s going on.
I feel like an angel came down and took him up, like lifted his soul out of his body.
Ask that person for any messages he may have
Wise warrior, do not hurt others. Be gentle, saviour.
What was the purpose of that lifetime?
To heal. To hurt and to heal. To hurt is a positive to help you understand the other, the opposite.
Are there any other messages for you?
Open up to his fear.
Is there anything else?
Let the spirit go, let him move onto the light.