Enmore, Sydney, Australia 10am-5.30pm 0416 341 139
Ascension Energy Reports, Sacred Partnerships

I channelled this message from my spirit team on 17 December 2019:

Our energy bodies are being upgraded to attune to the vibrational frequency of LOVE. This love is felt everywhere – it is universal love. In this frequency we are able to receive love and give love like never before. My spirit team showed me an image of the shackles around the heart being released and the heart pouring out love. One will act from love, not fear. Love frequency is so strong that nothing of lower energy can exist in its presence. Being motivated by fear will not continue in the love frequency. A lot of old ways of being and doing things will drop away. It’s not the end of the world, it’s the end of the old way of seeing it!

How will the love frequency impact our everyday life? One example my spirit team talked about was the fear-based feeling of “uncertainty” which creates our desire to seek “security” in money or assets. A sense of security will be available to us without the need to find a way to achieve it – love pervades fear! There will be greater distribution of wealth and resources in the world, as love enables people to release the fear that creates hoarding and be more giving.

My spirit team hinted that being on this love frequency will also bring access to abilities such as telepathy – more on this will be revealed later.

Body care during ascension upgrades and beyond

Make sure that you rest as upgrades to your energy body take place – you may be getting headaches, extreme tiredness, disrupted sleep and body pain. Through this process our physical body will change too and will require lots of purified alkaline water or better yet, mountain spring water. Avoid alcohol and yeast, and adopt a plant-based diet – raw vegan is advised. Listen to your body for specific foods to avoid or to eat – you will most likely be receiving guidance on this already, so honour it.


Soul Growth

My spirit guides often give me messages by putting songs into my mind. I usually will hear a melody or one chorus and try to figure out the song. They are considerate though, and use songs that I’ve heard in my lifetime – some go way back to the 1980s!

So a couple of weeks ago I was walking my dog and I heard in my mind the words “the greatest love of all” along with some of the melody. I knew it was the Whitney Houston song. This is the part of the song they wanted me to take note of:

“Because the greatest
Love of all is happening to me
I found the greatest
Love of all inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all”

I had been getting the message for myself, and also the collective, that we are needing to work on our own self love. The guidance, particularly, is to be mindful of any self-criticism, such as judgements about your appearance or comparing yourself to others. Do your best to cultivate a more loving and accepting view of yourself. 

Each week or so we are being asked by our guides to work on different things in ourselves. This is part of ascension, which can be thought of as an upgrading of the human race and the earth, to a higher vibration. To raise our vibration we must leave behind what is weighing us down – not only our personal emotional debris, but societal conditioning.

The Divine Feminine energy is rising, this means that all people would have a more balanced energetic system of feminine and masculine, and it would be reflected in society.

I highly encourage you to look at your thoughts and beliefs about yourself. It can be challenging but is well worthwhile.