Enmore, Sydney, Australia 10am-5.30pm 0416 341 139
Transformation with Merkaba Molly

  I am here to serve as a bridge to spirit and empower you in your spiritual ascension of consciousness. I work as a channel with my Star Team, angels and master healer guides offering guidance, healing and coaching to help you remember your soul essence and bring your life into flow and fulfillment.

Intuitive Guidance & Psychic Reading | Channelled Energy Healing | Past-Life Regression


Get a higher perspective on life with messages of healing and guidance from spirit guides and angels.

+ Clarity about life decisions

+ Steps to move forward

+ Love & family relationships

+ Career, life purpose, divine mission

+ Spiritual path, ascension

+ Empaths, starseeds, lightworkers


Feel lighter and happier in mind, body and soul with channelled energy healing and Past-Life Regression.

+ Stress, anxiety, exhaustion

+ Grief, loss, heartbreak

+ Removal of energy blocks

+ Inner-child & core wound healing

+ Healing of past-life trauma

+ Ascension upgrades, transmissions


Receive empowering support for your growth in consciousness and to align with your soul’s divine life plan.

+ Achieve your dreams with Intuitive Life Coaching in Soul Alchemy sessions 

+ Conscious love relationship guidance and support sessions

+ Deepen your intuition to connect with spirit with intuitive development coaching

Praise from clients
Learn more about the sessions below. If you are unsure which to choose, consider a Soul Alchemy session which is customised for your soul's needs. Also see Past-Life & Spiritual Regression. For pricing, availability and booking see my online scheduler.
Soul Alchemy & Energy Healing

  Soul Alchemy sessions offer deep healing, soul growth and transformation.

Each 90-minute session will be customised to your soul’s needs.

I use a combination of my gifts, techniques and skills, including psychic reading & intuitive guidance, channelled energy healing (see below) and intuitive life coaching.  

Channelled Energy Healing: I work with angels and master healer guides, channelling high frequency energy. I began work as an energy healer in 2003, with training in Reiki, Qi Gong and Angel Therapy. Read my story

  Energy Healing may include: 

    • A frequency upgrade

    • Energy clearing

    • Chakra system rebalance

    • Removal of energy blocks

    • Removal of limiting beliefs

    • Healing of energy leakages

    • Cutting of etheric cords

    • Breaking of vows/contracts from past lives

    • Ascension & starseed activations

    • Inner child & past life healing 

  Energy Healing is offered online via remote/distance healing or in person without touch.

  Suitable for adults and children in the presence of their guardians.


Intuitive Guidance & Psychic Reading

 Available in 60-minute sessions and Soul Alchemy sessions.

Each session includes psychic reading, channelled messages and spiritual guidance from your spirit guides and angels.

  I am a Certified Angel Practitioner and use my gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance to connect with spirit and deliver messages.

  I use oracle cards and tarot as physical validation of the messages coming through.

  Expect practical, loving guidance that empowers you to move forward. 

  Spirit guides often ask me to share the knowledge and wisdom that I have picked up on my spiritual path over the past 20 years, including practical yoga techniques, books and resources that will be useful. 

  Suitable for adults and children in the presence of their guardians.

  Also see: Conscious Love & Relationship Support

Conscious Love & Relationship Support

   Available in 90-minute sessions.  

   Support for those on the path of conscious love – both self love and loving relationships.

   This session offers intuitive guidance and channelled messages specific to your unique situation, conscious relationship coaching and/or channelled energy healing to clear your field and upgrade your consciousness.

  Sessions may cover any questions about love relationships and can provide support for:

  – Preparing for relationship and calling in a partner

  – Personal growth in self-love and self-acceptance

  – Guidance for soul mate, twin flame, sacred union, divine counterpart or past-life relationships

   This journey is about personal transformation and self love – read my sacred partnership blogs for more on this.

   Praise from clients

   “Molly’s sessions are amazing sources of comfort and guidance, especially for Divine partners! She taps into you and your partner’s energy and lovingly channels messages that you need to hear.

   Her gentle nature is soothing for these messages, and she’ll continue asking questions and offering guidance until you’re satisfied you have what you need.

   Molly’s intuition is spot-on, and I always return to her when I need help seeing things from that higher perspective. Thank you, Molly, for your gifts and your guidance!” – Susan

Intutitive Life Coaching

    Available in Soul Alchemy sessions.

   This is life coaching with a difference! I combine spiritual coaching techniques with my psychic gifts and energy healing to offer a holistic solution.

  Some clients come to me with a goal in mind, perhaps something they want that has been a challenge to achieve. Other clients want to change their life but are unsure where to begin. You may not know why you are drawn to intuitive life coaching – that’s fine too!

  We can get the higher perspective from your guides about what direction your path can go in, and then ask what needs to be released. 

  Limiting beliefs and trauma from current and past lives can get in the way, but my energy healing can remove them.

  Next we get practical steps forward from your guides and I will help you stay accountable.

  As you move forward, any further blocks or inner resistance that comes up can be addressed in the same way.


Regression Therapy

  Past-Life Regression is the recalling of memories of past lives that are held in our subconscious mind – this can heal current life issues and release emotional energy blocks.

  Regression Therapy offers deep healing and soul growth, leaving you with inner knowing of the cycle of life, death and afterlife.

  See detailed information about my Regression Therapy here

Electronic gift vouchers for my sessions are available via Square Gift Cards. Simply load an amount onto the e-gift card or choose a pre-determined value that corresponds with my session fees. You can select the day and time the email will be sent - perfect for pre-planned gifts!