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Soul Growth

Here are my top five life-changing books that I recommend for people on a spiritual path.


  1. A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

This is a must-read! Based on the Course of Miracles, Marianne’s book taught me to always choose love over fear. My everyday conversations, choices and reactions have changed accordingly, and thus my experience of life.


  1. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

I have a fond memory of this book – it was one of the first spiritual books I ever read and aligned with my understanding of yogic philosophy. If we can do one beneficial thing in life, it would be to practice being in the moment.


  1. Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss

An inner knowing of my soul’s long existence and past lives led me to explore reincarnation and this book by psychiatrist Brian Weiss helped me to understand the game of life. As a result, my view of life has radically changed.


  1. Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Many of the books I’ve listed have changed the fundamental way I operate, and this is one of them. The teachings of Abraham, a spirit team channelled by Esther, are all about changing your vibrations to manifest your best life, by guiding your thoughts. It is a practice and the exercises will support you.


  1. Assertiveness For Earth Angels by Doreen Virtue

If you are a highly sensitive person, an intuitive, an empath or someone who has trouble dealing with harsh energy, then please read this book! Many of us need to learn about boundaries, speaking up and protecting ourselves.


Ascension Energy Reports, My Story
Ascension light codes delivered heart chakra expansion for Divine Feminines and an important ascension upgrade in self-worth. I share my experience here…


Lion’s Gate Portal in 2020 was on 8 August and around this time ascension light codes began streaming down to our energy bodies, our merkabas, strongly for days (see my blog about this). It was not unusual, as over the past few years there have been many periods where the light codes come in very strong and then subside, giving our merkabas time to integrate and recalibrate to the higher frequencies – that’s why we often refer to them as “ascension upgrades”.


Nearly a week after Lion’s Gate, I experienced what I would call a heart expansion. I felt an extreme amount of energy entering my heart chakra, buzzing around, unsettled. It felt uncomfortable, so I lay down and placed my hands over my heart and calmed myself with energy healing and deep yogic breathing (see more below). I knew that I needed to be still to allow the process and help my physical body and my merkaba assimilate the changes.



Two weeks passed and I could sense my energy was feeling settled. I do energy healing on myself as part of my daily routine, so I notice changes when I have big energy shifts. As I tuned into my energy I saw golden waves in my third eye, and with my hands, I could feel the vibrations as very strong and joyful. I felt extreme gratitude for the upgrade.



A week later I was having a good day and then all of a sudden I felt extremely sad, painful energy in my heart. It came out of nowhere – completely unprovoked – and when I felt into it, I couldn’t pinpoint it to one event. It hurt so much that I was crying and I asked my guides and angels to take it away. 


The next day I heard from two of my friends, both also Divine Feminines, who had similar experiences at the same time as me. We knew we were not alone and that this was Divinely guided, happening on the eve of the full moon in Pisces, a sign known for its emotional side.



My guides tell me that this was to bring up old emotions from painful experiences, and beliefs that sabotage our self-worth – things like poor self-esteem and lack consciousness. For me, it brought to my attention the absolute need to cancel, clear and delete any thoughts leading to feelings of unworthiness. My guides want me to acknowledge my worthiness and keep it that way.


Ascension for each person is divinely timed and unique, so you may receive activations or upgrades like this at any time. I share this information to increase understanding among the community.


Know that this is all for the best and highest good, even though it may feel unpleasant at the time. And call on your guides and angels for help – they are already with you and waiting for you to ask!



Ascension energies can be very strong and overwhelming for the body, however self-care practices can reduce the side effects. Try these ideas:


  • Drink filtered water and more than usual during strong energies (you may notice you are more thirsty)
  • Intuitively observe required dietary changes (read my blog about ascension dietary changes)
  • Practice meditation and yoga nidra relaxation
  • Spend time in nature to ground your energy
  • Sleep when you need to, as you may be more tired
  • Take a bath with Epsom salts to clear your energy field
  • Belly breathing and other pranayama practices from yoga (read my blog about yoga breathing)