Enmore, Sydney, Australia 10am-5.30pm 0416 341 139
Praise from clients

Soul Alchemy

  These sessions are all about soul growth and transformation.

  Each session is 90 minutes and will be tailored to your needs as spirit guides us.

  A session may include one or more of the following:

  • Intuitive Life Coaching
  • Intuitive Guidance (Psychic Reading)
  • High Frequency Energy Healing
  • Regression Therapy (requires 90 mins, so a session on its own)
  • Intuitive Development
  • Yoga Meditation, Relaxation, Pranayama

  A number of sessions will benefit you most, so check out the special package deals. You may book a single session to start or a package deal.   

Intuitive Guidance

  Psychic reading and channelled messages and guidance from your spirit guides and angels.

  I use my gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance to connect with spirit and deliver messages.

  I use oracle cards and tarot as physical validation of the messages coming through.

  Expect practical, loving guidance that empowers you to move forward. 

  Spirit guides often ask me to share the knowledge and wisdom that I have picked up on my spiritual path over the past 20 years, including practical yoga techniques, books and resources that will be useful. 

  Suitable for adults and children in the presence of their guardians.

Energy Healing

  I work with angels and master healer guides, channelling high frequency energy.

  I have more than 15 years experience as an energy practitioner, with training in Reiki, Qi Gong and Angel Therapy. 

  A session may include: 

  • A frequency upgrade
  • Energy clearing
  • Chakra system rebalance
  • Removal of energy blocks
  • Removal of limiting beliefs
  • Entity/implant removal
  • Healing of energy leakages
  • Cutting of etheric cords
  • Breaking of vows/contracts from past lives
  • Ascension & starseed activations
  • Inner child & past life healing 

  Sessions can be without touch and are fully clothed.

  Suitable for adults and children in the presence of their guardians. Animal energy healing also available.

Regression Therapy

  Regression Therapy is an effective healing technique for physical, emotional and mental health.

  Regression therapy has been pioneered largely by psychiatrist Dr Brian Weiss over the past 40 years.

  Many success stories have documented that current life fears and phobias have roots in past lives and can be cleared through memory recall.

  Regression Therapy has three options:

1. Past Life Regression: To recall a past life to learn any lessons of that life and heal a current life issue.

2. Current Life Regression: To recall a time in your current life to learn the associated lesson and heal an issue.

3. In-between Lives Regression: To recall your time as a soul in the in-between life stages to understand your life purpose and to meet your soul group and receive messages from spirit guides.  

Read my case study blogs.

Intutitive Life Coaching

This is life coaching with a difference! I combine coaching techniques with my psychic gifts and channelling expertise to offer a wholistic solution.

Got a goal you want to work towards? Want to change your life but feel blocked?

Limiting beliefs and trauma from current and past lives can get in the way, but we can fix that! 

Meet weekly or fortnightly, with access to any of the modalities I offer, and you will be held to accountability so you may achieve your goals.

Check out the special Soul Alchemy package deals available.

Intuitive Development

  Awaken your intuition and psychic gifts through a variety of practices, using tools such as oracle cards, pendulums and crystals.

  Learn how to connect to and receive messages from spirit guides and angels.

  Experience high frequency energy healing, Qi Gong and Angel Therapy.

  Learn practices to enhance your intuition, including meditation, Yoga Nidra, pranayama yoga breathing.

  Private sessions customised to your needs.